HOMECURRENT EVENTS > 読み聞かせWeek Class 3 & Class 4 & Class 8

読み聞かせWeek Class 3 & Class 4 & Class 8


3組では、2名のお母さまが来てくださり、「ごきげんのわるいコックさん」の紙芝居と‟Don’t want to go to bed?”の絵本を読んでくださいました。紙芝居や絵本に夢中になって楽しむ姿が見られましたよ。

Today we had two books read to us in Class 4. One was about a clock king and the other was about a helpful pig. The Class 4 children really liked each story and were very thankful to the mother and grandmother who came today. I hope that there will be more opportunities for this special book time in Class 4.

