

○○○Available Spaces○○○
3 year course・・・・・ 50 Student positions (3 years old = children born between 2021-04-02 and 2022-04-01)

2 year course・・・・・ limited available space: 2,3 Student positions (4 years old = children born between 2020-04-02 and 2021-04-01)

1 year course・・・・・ limited available space: 2,3 Student positions (5 years old = children born between 2019-04-02 and 2020-04-01)

There is limited available space for children that have just turned 3 years old to join during the school year (entering during their birth month).

○○○Applying for entry○○○
Please complete the application form and submit it with the application fee at the kindergarten.

After submitting the application form, we will organize a time for an interview with you and your child. After the interview you will receive an invitation to enter the kindergarten.



Document Fees
Entrance Fees
Tuition Fees (Monthly)
- (After subsidies 25,700yen a month)
- (Lunch Fees included in monthly tuition)
Bus Fees(Monthly for bus users)
Material Fees(Workbooks, items)
English Environment Fees
Pool Maintenance Fee
Heating/Air Conditioning Fee
Advancing Grade Fee


Tuition Fees 58,500yen
- (Fees due 32,800yen)
- (3,500yen)

Due Date

Application time
From November 1st to 10th
By the 3rd every month

By the 3rd every month
Paid once in April, once in October
Paid once in April, once in October
Paid once in April, once in October
Paid once in April, once in October
By March 3rd

1. Entrance fees can be paid off in installments. Please notify the Kindergarten if you wish to do this.
2. If you move house or change your job the entrance fee will be reimbursed.
3. Kindergarten swimming wear and the IYK t-shirt are paid for separately.
4. Due to excursions and field trips, fees may be paid to cover the bus ride.
5. Fees for events such as overnight stays and excursions will be paid for separately.
6. Tuition fees will be collected every month. If for unforeseen circumstances the kindergarten is closed down fees will not be refunded.

○○○Special Point○○○
1.If siblings enter the Kindergarten at the same time 50,000 yen will be deducted from the entrance fee.
2.If there is a sibling currently at the Kindergarten or graduated 50,000 yen will be deducted from the entrance fee. This applies to caregivers who have also graduated from the Kindergarten.
3.If a sibling is already attending the Kindergarten 12,000 yen will be deducted from the tuition fees of the older child.
4.Benefits will be provided for those who have current students or graduates at Heiwa Kindergarten.

○○○Other Information○○○
Day care will be provided from 8 to 8:30am in the morning as well as until 6pm after educational activities have finished for the day.(Fees applicable, no bus services) Please enquire about these costs.