
新学期が始まって3週間。朝の玄関から聞こえる泣き声はほとんどなくなり、新入園のお子さま方もすっかり新しい環境に適応し、友達とのかかわりも日に日に豊かになってきました。入園したばかりの年少組はmorning meetingで椅子に座り“ I’m here ! ”と元気に答えたり、みんなでトイレに行って、順番に並んだりと、集団のルールを一つ一つ学びながら、一生懸命過ごしております。
It is the time of the year when the koinobori, or carp flag, is flying outside of our kindergarten, admired daily by children coming and going. It excites them to be more active, running about and enjoying their activities with glee. Some kids even go so far as to say “I’ll be a lion even more energetic than the carp!” or “My carp turns into a frog when it rains! Ribbit!” As their imaginations get slowly farther from the topic at hand, I am impressed at the vitality that runs through them. It has been three weeks since the term started. All the happy voices in the morning show me how much the new students have grown accustomed to their friends and environment. The new junior class students are trying their best, be it at following rules, lining up together, using the toilet, or things like calling out “I’m here!” during the morning meeting.
It is said that 80 percent of a person’s cerebral development happens between the ages of 3 and 6. As a result, it is said that an educational curriculum targeting this part of the brain yields concrete results. Take for example the drive and effort children show during this time. It is connected to a part of the brain called the A10 nerve, which controls both dopamine output as well as things like will and ambition. Nurturing this nerve requires a balanced, enjoyable environment. Creating that requires both a structured lifestyle as well as unbridled enjoyment.
“Early to bed, early to rise, a warm greeting, and breakfast.” This is the catchphrase put forth by our principal as way of double-checking that our lifestyles are in balance. Lots of sleep at regular times, and a nutritious breakfast help to nurture children’s minds and bodies alike. Then there are greetings. “Good morning.”, “See you.”. These are the things that, done at an early age, allow the children to grow into more well-rounded, international adults.
At the kindergarten, May is treated as “Greetings Month”, where we will use things like the manners book and more to communicate to the children the importance of manners. If they can understand the warm feeling that comes with exchanging greetings, as well as seeing that it is something adults do too, they will be more likely to extend greetings themselves. That is the environment we are aiming to create.
Lastly, the programs for English, Music, Art, Food & Life, Numbers & Letters, and Physical Fitness are getting underway. We are hoping they lead to a fun, enjoyable environment that also stimulates the cerebral development we are striving for.