
先日の「Super Playtime」の時間には、全学年で北風公園へ行き、外遊びを楽しみました。芝生でEnglish Teacherとサッカーを楽しむお子さま、鉄棒や雲梯に果敢に挑戦するお子さま、松ぼっくりや花を集めて砂ケーキをつくるお子さま、かけ石を見つけて、コンクリートにお絵描きを楽しむお子さまなど、それぞれが夢中になって遊んでいました。
As the sun becomes fiercer the start of a hot summer is upon us. The children are enjoying Super Play Time a lot where everyone went to Kitakaze park and some of the children played soccer with the English teachers while others challenged themselves with iron bars, finding pine cones or drawing pictures on the concrete.
Kitakaze park has a small hill with out any equipment on this but for children this is a great place to play. They can improve their leg muscles by climbing this small hill. As the teachers watch on wondering if the children will fall over, the children are finding new ways to climb the hill. As the teachers feel like the children clothes are becoming dirty the children are simply having a good time and experiencing the world.
Children become fascinated with the world around them be it nature, things or people they often lose a sense of themselves. That leads to them gaining confidence. There are also things to be gained and lost through these experiences of the world around them.
For example, being able to climb a small hill is a happy thing with a lot of positives for the Junior children. There are also negatives that occur such as “I couldn’t play with this friend”, “they don’t like me” or “I couldn’t get the ball in the Soccer game”. These might be talked about by the children when they come home. However, every day the children have positives and negatives which they can take away. If the children seem to dwell on negative things please turn this into a positive by talking to them.
Thank you to all the caregivers who attended the open class days. Also thank you for understanding the lack of car parking space. It is a great opportunity to see how your child is at Kindergarten. Each and every child has developed so much in the first term.