HOMEMESSAGE FROM IYK > 成長期に大切な睡眠と生活リズム






The days have grown warmer, and the children have the chance to play outside daily. Their happy voices can be heard all of the time. This year we are aiming to put more emphasis on “Increasing Physical Activities”, so as a result there is a monthly theme, like using gym mats during April and May. On indoor play days, classes on the first floor can try their hand at the iron bar and jump rope, with the hope of generating more interest in physical activities. With outside play in full swing, there are more chances to play tag and soccer. Senior class groups also include the stilts and unicycles so hopefully intermediate children will take an interest too. Hopefully there will be chances to play at Kitakaze park, too.

Here at IYK, we believe in the mantra: “Early childhood lays the groundwork of our personalities.” As a result, we strive to open up infinite possibilities for the children through academic prowess. This is instilled, nurtured, and cultivated all the time. Setting a daily rhythm is one of the prime factors in this, just how our founder Koetsu Sugawara always says “Early to bed, early to rise, a warm greeting, and a good breakfast.” Sleep and lifestyle routine are especially important.

Without enough sleep, growth hormones aren’t produced, leading to poor muscles and bones. These hormones are produced the most between the hours of 9 and 12 at night, and can play a part in academic development too. Lack of sleep also leads to decreased Melatonin levels. Most prevalent around midnight, it regulates sleep patterns and other processes. It also serves as an antioxidant, allowing blood and muscles to stay healthy, so without enough of this hormone there can be irritability, decreased energy levels and a lack of concentration.

Around three years old, children learn to express when they are tired. Development of self-expression and other remarkable changes all come as a result of good sleep and rest. Senior children no longer get to take naps, but they can get ready for bed by themselves, so it is important as adults not to break their rhythm. Getting lots of time to play outside also results in less leftover energy and a better quality of sleep, too.

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone for attending the conferences this past month. We were able to share a lot of information together going forward. The things we learned don’t just apply to homeroom teachers as we make an effort to support all of the children, together. We look forward to serving you for the remainder of this term.
