

 そんなお子さま達の自信がさらにつく“Hyogen Festival”が先日行われました。『表現』は英語で“Expression”といい、「ことばや顔、態度で心の働きを行動に表すこと」です。ことばの言い回し、声の音調、顔の表情、しぐさなど、これらはまさに人間だからできる技量であり、どんどん上達していく才能です。11月初旬には全く形になっていなかった各クラスの発表が、1週間経つ頃には、お子さま達が覚えた歌やセリフを口ずさむようになり、2週目には身振り、手振り、ダンスをしだすようになり、3週目には音楽がかかると一目散に集まり、お子さま達同士で動きやセリフを見せ合って楽しむ姿が見られるようになりました。お子さま達のこの短期間の成長は本当に驚かされます。しかし、この短期間で成長する裏には、4月からそして年中・年長組にいたっては入園してからたくさんの音楽やお話に触れ、遊びなどを通してそれを表現する楽しさを味わってきた成果で、まさに人間だからできる『才能』なのでしょう。

 そしてもう一つ、Hyogen Festivalを通して身に付いた大切な力は、「頑張る」「最後までやり遂げる」という気持ちです。最近、頑張れない子どもが多いと小学校以降の先生達から聞くことがあります。「頑張る」とは「あることを成し遂げようと、困難に耐えて努力する」こと。努力しても思い通りの成果が得られず、頑張りたくないという子、さらには、少しでも苦しいことやしんどいことがありそうな予感がすると、それは面白くないため、経験したくないと思う子さえいる、ということです。しかし面倒なこと、苦労することをプロセスにすることで、手ごたえを伴って「おもしろい」「嬉しい」「できた」という達成感が得られます。これから成長する上でできないことにもたくさん直面するお子さま達に、「やればできる!」という経験と自信、さらにご家族の「よくがんばったね、えらいね」というお褒めのことばをいただくことで、「頑張ることには意味がある」ということが少しでも感じることができたのではないかと思います。


It is nearly December, a time of the year when the cold really begins to set in. This is a time of the year when many children see a lot of personal growth, but the thing that sticks out the most is their “self-confidence”. Most of the junior class children have no problems using the toilet, and fixing their clothes afterward. At the moment, their biggest challenge is getting on those big winter coats and closing the zippers themselves. But in a big change from April, the children aren’t just asking for help, but rather doing their best to finish something by themselves. Intermediate class children are trying things like the jump rope, and writing characters. They can be seen having lots of fun playing together with their friends. Lastly there are the senior classes, who can do so much and make decisions for themselves, and are looking forward to their future as elementary schoolers.

Hyogen Festival, a huge source of confidence for the children, has come to a close. Hyogen in English means “expression”, with the use of facial expressions and movements to show feelings. Facial expressions, tone of voice, movements, and reciting lines are all things that people learn to do as they get older, and improve with age. At the beginning of November, there was no rhyme or reason to the presentations. After a week, the children could remember lines and songs. In two weeks, they were remembering the dances. By the third week, they could take a musical cue and line up in their places, carrying out the story on their own. The amount of growth that they showed in such a short time really was surprising.

The flipside of all of this personal growth is that it is the result of the experiences with music, stories, play, and more, that have made up the children’s experiences since the year began in April.
One other thing the children have learned to do in their preparation for Hyogen Festival was “trying their best”, as well as “seeing things to the end”. These days, I hear stories of children in elementary school who simply don’t try. “Trying” means encountering obstacles on your way to a goal, and not letting them stop you from attempting to reach that goal. If the results of their effort don’t play out the way they want, or they aren’t interested, children can use it as an excuse to not try. The same applies when they encounter a bit of difficulty or duress. However, when you take something troublesome, and break it down into a process, it can leave children with a lot more interest, fulfillment, and satisfaction.

If children can overcome problems in this way, they will feel more capable of attacking the next problem they have. A follow-up at home is important too, as praise from family members will have a huge positive effect. It will bring them one step closer to feeling a meaning in trying to do something.
Lastly, I would like to take the chance to thank all of the parents who aided in preparation, as well as supporting the children. This is a time of the year when colds, flu, and many viruses are rampant. Cleanliness and gargling are important, as well as air circulation, but rest is important too. Let’s take the time to have good, balanced meals, and rest when our bodies require it. Then we can have even more enjoyable times in the coming year.
