HOMEMESSAGE FROM IYK > 「自立」を育む宿泊体験学習






The short Hokkaido summer in July is right around the corner. From the birds, to the bees, to the clouds, and the trees, you can feel the power of “life” around you. One magazine says that from the ages of 3 to 7, the information and inferring centers of our brain develop, leading to things like “It smells like rain. Oh, it is raining.” Or “That clouds looks like rain. Now it is raining!”. The magazine detailed how these experiences are important. Children garner more information from their senses than words or pictures. This gives them better powers of reasoning. The summer is a great chance to stimulate all of these senses, and give the children a chance to notice other things around them too.

This past June featured events like Open Class and Kids Carnival, where many parents came and paid visit to IYK. We would like to thank you for your attendance. For both of these events, the children knew ahead of time their parents would be in attendance, and were very excited. Every year, you can feel the energy of the children, who are stronger than their nervous teachers, trying their best to listen to the lesson content, and try their best in front of their beloved family members. It has only been two months since the term began, but the growth the children have experienced is amazing.

Coming soon in July, the senior classes have their “overnight stay experience” coming. Our principal Koetsu Sugawara feels overnight stays are an important source of fostering independence in children. Also, they are important for giving the children a chance to 1. Gain some distance from their parents, 2. Gain confidence by doing things all by themselves, and 3. Increase their circle of friends through mutual experiences. I am sure that parents must have many concerns, like “They have never stayed away from home before, won’t they be lonely?” or “They still wear diapers at night, so if the other children see them, won’t my child be embarrassed?” But this is a great experience for the children to have a day away from their parents, get caught up in the fun of the event with friends, and take that first, big step towards personal “independence”. We are hoping for a fun experience where the children can think, play, help each other, and learn together.

The first term will soon come to a close. In preparation for the second term, which is full of events, were are aiming to raise the overall level of manners, cleanliness, English, musical education, and educational activities in general. Thank you very much for instilling in the children the importance of giving a happy, hearty greeting when they come to the kindergarten each day.
