HOMEMESSAGE FROM IYK > レジリエンスが育つ言葉 “Good Job!”

レジリエンスが育つ言葉 “Good Job!”





 感情は3歳までに育つ、と言われています。色々試し、失敗し、たくさんのことを経験し学んでいく幼児期、失敗をした時に「だから言ったでしょ」「どうしてなったか考えなさい!」と言われたお子さまと、「“Good Job!” よく失敗したね。」「“Good Job!” 次、どうする?」と言われたお子さま、どちらのお子さまの感情は豊かになるでしょう。上手くいかない時、失敗した時に、考えたり、工夫したり、周りの人に助けを求められる人、そして周りに、考えたり工夫をしたりする時間的空間的余裕を与えられる人、“Good Job!”と言ってくれる人がいるお子さまは、逆境から立ち直る力、未来を見据えた考え方「レジリエンス」が育っていきます。

 変化が多い3学期、“Good Job!”を合い言葉に、ご家庭と幼稚園とで、お子さま達が心を安定させて、次へと成長していけるよう、サポートしていければと思っております。

The last term of the year, the third term has started. The third term signals growth as well as moving on to the next level with perhaps a little bit of anxiety. Parents may encourage their children at this time by saying things like “You’re going to Elementary School soon”, “You’re a Senior soon”, however children may feel like “What kind of place is Elementary school”, “I don’t want to leave my friends” or “I don’t want to go to Kindergarten”. Children often listen to adults talking to each other. Please listen to what your child has to say and help them through the third term.

As children have cleared the goals of the year, they are ready to move up to the next level. The third term is the shortest of the year but it is also the most important for growth so let’s have a productive third term.

There hasn’t been much snow at the start of the second year of Reiwa. There have been many natural events such as the bushfires in Australia and the melting of the polar caps that have made more people worried about global warming.

Within these situations it is important to reevaluate oneself as to why things have changed and how they can change.

It is said empathy is nurtured until one is three years old. It is important to try a lot of things and it is alright to fail. Which child is being raised better, ones that are told “I told you so”, “Why do you think that happened?” or “Good job! You failed well”, “Good job what should we do next?”, When things go wrong it is important to have people around you who say “Good job” and can help you think and plan to reach the next step through resilience.
Let’s have a great third term and use the phrase “Good job!” to motivate our children.
