HOMECURRENT EVENTS > 体験入園 Open School Days 2日目

体験入園 Open School Days 2日目


Today was the second day of the open school days at IYK. It was very nice to see faces from yesterday as well as new faces. As the children arrived everyone played together nicely and did a very good job at cleaning up. Next the children split up into four classes and went upstairs for an Immersion style lesson. The children met the flowers who were sad because they had no friends and rain. Everyone did a good job flying with butterflies and making rainsticks given to them by Mr./Ms.Cloud to make the flowers happy. Everyone did a great job and could dance so well with Mr./Ms.Cloud and the flowers. After the lesson the children were a little bit hungry so there was snack time followed by more play time and a good bye meeting. Thank you once again to all the families that participated in the open school days at IYK.
体験入園2日目もたくさんのお子さま達とご家族の方が参加してくださいました。2日目は、クラスに分かれてClass activityやCraftにもChallengeしましたよ。後半は、お父さまお母さまは、1Fで幼稚園説明会に参加していただき、お子さま達は2FでSnack time、そしてPlay timeを楽しみました。お父さま、お母さまと離れて初めは泣いてしまうお子さまもいましたが、少しずつ慣れて最後まで頑張ることができました。どのお子さまも、英語にしっかりと反応をして活動に取り組み、素敵な笑顔がたくさん見られましたよ。