
先日、年長組のグループ発表会がありました。Physical Festivalのトップバッターとしてその経過を少しご覧いただいた、年長組の音楽隊、竹馬、一輪車、縄跳び。その日から3週間しか経っていないのですが、この短い時間に自分達なりに挑戦し、一人ひとりがさらにできることが増え、年中組の前で堂々と技を披露する姿に、大変感動させられました。「少しできた」「もっと上手になりたい」「5月からやってきた」「年中組の前で発表する」色々な思いが自信に繋がっているようでした。そしてその姿をみて、年中組は「かっこいい!」「一輪車をやりたい、竹馬やりたい」と練習を始めたり、「努力して練習するとあんなにできるようになるのか」と今まですぐにできずにあきらめていたことに、もう少し頑張ってみようとする姿が見られるようになりました。お子さま達の「できるようになること」には、本当に様々な要素が含まれており、周りの環境がとても大切です。
Recently the senior classes presented the results of their group activities. It was the same groups on display for Physical Festival: jump rope, music, stilts, and unicycles. There were only three weeks between the two events, but the children tried their hardest to improve and the results were very impressive. They were able to give the presentation full of self-confidence. Intermediate class children that watched were moved and it gave them food for thought as to what group they wanted to be part of come next year. The feeling of wanting to learn to do something new is really influenced by a number of factors, environment included.
Self-affirmed children have been shown to have better graduation rates, income, and home ownership, as well as less frequency of divorce or criminal activity, according to a variety of studies. Affirming a child means to relate to their emotional state, and make them feel at ease physically as well. Small children don’t yet have the ability to control their emotions fully, so it can lead to seemingly random expressions and actions. As an adult, these actions may even look meaningless or troublesome. For every child that cries in a situation, there are those that get angry, and even those that smile through it. Even when wanting to praise them for “not crying so much.”, a negative impact can be had. The same goes for making them feel like they inconvenience us with their behavior. That is because we assume a child will tell us when they are in trouble, or only cry when they are sad.
Interestingly enough, when such a situation arises between children, be it crying or anger, other children are quick to read the atmosphere and comfort them. Later on they can often be seen playing together happily. Wanting to know what is wrong and communicate feelings is very important, but a child feels much more affirmed when they know their need to cry will be tolerated. If the children feel someone understands them, it builds trust as well as confidence.
Coming up on November 19th is Family Day. This is a day to re-affirm the importance of our families. Children raised in a loving home will feel motivation to try hard, and ease about their life in general. Let’s all take the time to remember the importance of understanding our family.