Physical Festivalを通して学ぶもの

さて、延期をさせていただいたPhysical Festivalがいよいよ明日となりました。Physical Festivalは身体をたくさん動かしていろいろな運動遊びを「楽しむこと」や、友達と力を合わせて「がんばる力」を身に付けるために欠かせないイベントです。普段から縄跳びや鉄棒、跳び箱、マットなど運動遊びをしているお子さま達ですが、Physical Festivalでは楽しく身体表現する中で、みんなで動きを合わせたり、形をつくったり、また最後まで諦めずに走る、力を合わせてがんばる、など普段の遊びだけでは補えない育ちが見られます。
8月末からPhysical Festivalに取り組んできたお子さま達は、かけっこや遊戯、年長組はリレーやチアダンス、アトラクションに向かう表情や姿勢に明らかに変化が現われています。そんな一生懸命取り組むお子さま達に、晴天を祈りつつ、たくさんの温かい声援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
September 6th was the Hokkaido earthquake, and there has been great suffering to the people of Hokkaido who are in our thoughts and prayers. There was no big damage to the Kindergarten as well as the children or staff. Thank you for all the concern that you have shown us. The staff of this Kindergarten are very grateful.
Some children were affected very deeply by this tragedy, not only losing their appetites, but also crying at night and crying just thinking about earthquakes. Children are always watching the actions of adults and need their support at this time.
Tomorrow is the long-awaited Physical Festival. The Physical Festival allows children enjoy moving their bodies as well as co-operating with their friends. The children usually use mats, jump ropes and iron bars to exercise, however Physical Festival is a chance for children to express themselves through moving in unison, making shapes, not giving up while running and combining their powers together.
For example, running a race is not just for winning but how to line up, and when to start running are important rules. Juniors can learn about these rules and have a lot of fun running. Intermediates fall down but never give up while running these races with their friends. Seniors can run to their full potential and aim to be number one.
Of course, there are some children who are not good at running or keeping rhythm while dancing. However, it is important to not be content with not being able to do something but rather aim to improve.
There has been great improvements from all the children over the past month and we hope you will enjoy seeing these improvements in the physical festival.