
今月は、“Let’s play together”や、“Special Saturday ~お父さまと遊ぼう”など、ご父母さまが幼稚園へ来ていただき、お子さま達と触れ合う機会がありました。大好きなお父さま、お母さまが幼稚園へ来てくれて、絵本の読み聞かせをしてくれたり、一緒に野球やサッカー、すもう、カードゲームを楽しむお子さま達の顔は満足感に溢れていました。11月の第3日曜日は「家族の日」です。ぜひ家族で楽しい時間をお過ごしください。最後になりましたが、“Let’s play together”や、“Special Saturday”にご参加いただいたご父母さま、本当にありがとうございました。
Rain all day has cooled down the temperature and Autumn is in full effect. It is a season to see beautiful colors but also it gets dark easily so one should be careful about accidents. Let’s protect our children together. It will get even colder after this and Influenza will easily spread around vaccines and masks can help with prevention of this.
The children love to read books and encyclopedias during playtime. Books allow children to have strange and wonderful experiences they can’t normally have in real life. Children who love encyclopedias such as ones about insects and space are often enthralled in them and they can teach things like why black holes exist to adults who don’t have this knowledge. Children who love listening and reading to books especially English ones can gain a lot of English vocabulary as well as expansion of their imagination.
Towards the end of Intermediates and in Seniors children become interested in writing and reading, doing things such as writing letters to friends and reading out aloud books they love. When children enter Elementary school, they need to learn how to read and write even more but in Kindergarten they need to learn how to watch and listen. If they don’t have this, children can’t learn to read and write. Children need to feel beauty and pain and have hearts that are wide otherwise they can’t learn. Children are also affected by stress and becoming sick thanks to stress. This is a major problem today. Reading can help relieve this as children can emphasize with the characters in a book.
Books touch childrens hearts which makes them have sympathy for others. There is no proven method to make children love books, however parents reading to their children at home is incomparable. If the people that the children love read them books them will become more interested in them.
This month there has been a lot of events where the parents have been able to come to the Kindergarten such as “Let’s play together” and “Special Saturday”. The children had a lot of fun playing with their fathers at activities such as soccer and sumo. The third Sunday of November is “Family Day”. Please have a great time with your family.