
先日行われたPhysical Festivalには、ご家族総出で終始温かいご声援をいただき、父母の会の役員の皆さま、各クラスのお手伝いのお父さま、お母さまをはじめ、たくさんのご協力を頂きましたことを厚くお礼申し上げます。ありがとうございました。また遠方からたくさんのおじいさま、おばあさまもいらっしゃり、家族みんなに見守られ、今まで学んできたことを笑顔で一生懸命発表するお子さま達の姿が見られました。
プレスクールのお子さま、そして年少、年中、年長のお子さまと、それぞれの体力と取り組みにおける上達の目覚ましさは、2歳から5歳(6歳)の4 ~5年の間にこんなにも伸びるものかと改めて驚かされました。お子さまの一生のうちで、一番成長・発達の目覚ましい時期に、教育を担わせていただいていることに我々教員、自重の気持ちを改めて感じさせていただきました。これからも精一杯の力をお子さま達に注いでまいります。
さて、10月はお子さま達が楽しみにしているHalloweenがあります。IYKの外国籍教員が、企画から当日の活動まで中心になって進めるイベントです。またHyogen Festivalに向けての取り組みも少しずつ始まり、年長組とイマージョンクラスはEnglish Playに挑戦します。
A long summer has finally passed and the tree leaves have started to change colour.
Thank you to all the family members who attended the Physical Festival and cheered on their children. I hope that you could see your childs smiling faces as they could show you how much they are able to do now.
Children from Pre-School to Seniors develop very quickly and it is surprising how much they change. This is also the time that children develop the most and it is important as teachers to recognize this. We endeavor to help your child reach their greatest potential.
October sees the coming of Halloween which the children are looking forward to. The event is planned by the Overseas teachers on the day and leading up to the day. Hyogen Festival will also start slowly where seniors and immersion classes will challenge themselves with English Plays.
Principal Kohetsu Sugawara has a firm educational policy where young children can absorb language sub-consciously and use it consciously in realistic and fun environments. The brain develops quickly from the age of two and peaks at the age of ten for language acquisition. Between the ages of three and four is a key period where words not present in Japanese can be learned. Also, children can gain native like pronunciation in this period.
The English education at International Yamanote Kindegarten is the same as what a baby goes through top acquire their mother tongue. As the children are exposed to language from the overseas teachers, they pick-up natural intonation through input. Through repeating the children develop the ability to remember more vocabulary and express themselves a little bit more. They further develop the ability to use correct grammar.
From greetings in the morning to the goodbye meeting the children of the Kindergarten are communicating with foreign teachers in English. The children want to express themselves more to the overseas teachers who they love. We will strive to make a Kindergarten where English can be acquired naturally and in a fun way!