Today in Class 1
Class 1 had a very busy day today. It was the last full day of the term so we wanted to have as much fun as possible. In the morning we played together with Class 2. After our Morning Meeting and phonics practice, we made a sunflower craft with paper plates. Everyone did a great job coloring the center of the flower and using glue to add flower petals. After we made sunflowers, we had Super Clean Up. Everyone helped to make the Class 1 classroom very clean. And they enjoyed using towels to slide around on the floor as they cleaned! After cleaning, we went to the park. On the way to the park we stopped in the garden to check on our tomato plants. Many of the tomatoes have started to turn red! They have gotten much bigger, and everyone is excited for them to finish growing. It was hot and bright outside, but luckily it was cloudy. At the park we saw many animals, such as worms, bees, butterflies, and pigeons. Everyone enjoyed looking for wildlife and identifying the different animals. After the park, we came back to school for lunch. Everyone was tired, but they enjoyed their lunch, and we played before going home. Sadly, tomorrow is Closing Ceremony, but we hope everyone has a wonderful summer vacation.