
During Hyogen Festival at the beginning of December, the children showed a wonderful side of themselves. The performance that they gave the day of the festival was a one-time thing, but the growth of that performance from nothing in October to what it eventually became was a result of the children’s “emotion”, “imagination”, “cooperation”, and “expression”. Children could do things one day that they couldn’t before, learning and moving accordingly. It was great to see the children grow, some of them even saying “I can do it!” once they realized the progress they had made. It really brought out the meaning of “There is no limit to a child’s growth.” A big part of that was all of the warm support you showed them as parents. It would be fantastic if the self-confidence they accrued this term served to help them along into the next year of lessons.
“The younger generation these days…” is a line you seem to hear with each passing generation. The “younger generation” of our current generation refer to children that are inundated with information from the internet, television, and cell phones. As information is constantly presented to them with words, they begin to use their right brain, that dealing with non-verbal information, less and less. In other words, it becomes more difficult for them to “see” what is going on, read the atmosphere, or move without being told what to do next. What they need is the ability to “Take in information in a docile way, collect it, categorize it, and understand it for its meaning.” and “Use reasoning to determine by themselves what the best course of action is.” Children are influenced by their environment, and learn from their past experiences. They listen with enthusiasm to the people around them, especially parents and teachers, and when thinking, do their best to collect as much information as they can, in order to get in the habit of making decisions by themselves. With this skill, it is easier for them to function in a group, being aware of the situation around them, and productively processing information from others.
Now then, how does one go about teaching children the skills of “Enthusiasm”, “Informed decision making”, and “Understanding” during their formative years? A big influence on them can be the words they hear from adults (teachers and parents). “I love you.” and “That’s right!” words that show sympathy, as well as physical contact. Leaving things for children to do, and make a decisions about, also helps them. It is important to raise children with well-rounded hearts and minds as you raise and take care of them, repeating these patterns as well.
We as teachers will give our all in the hope that the children are able to develop well and fully in this coming year. We humbly request your cooperation and understanding.