HOMECURRENT EVENTS > Today’s Class 5 and Immersion Day

Today’s Class 5 and Immersion Day

Today was a very fun day for everyone in Class 5 and also everyone in Immersion class. After Discovery Time where everyone wrote their name, tied a bow, and got ready for the day, we had Morning Meeting and sticker time. Soon it was time for Immersion Day. All 5 Immersion classes split into 4 groups and did special activities. After exercising and calming together we went to different classroom for winter phonics and a Christmas craft. Half of the class made snowman masks, and the other made snow globes. Junior, Intermediate and Senior friends all worked together, and it was lots of fun to see everyone having a good time together. Before we knew it, it was time for packed lunch. We said goodbye to everyone and took out our lunch sheets. After a yummy lunch, we got busy painting sticks to make reindeer tomorrow, and had some fun with the Hyogen Festival costumes. Soon it was time to say ‘see you’ and go home. What a great day! See you tomorrow!