
Today was a very special day, because the children of Class 7 were graduating from IYK. Everyone arrived with big smiles wearing very cool suits and beautiful dresses for their Graduation Ceremony. Though the children were a little nervous, everyone did such a great job, speaking and singing in a nice, big voice. Class 7 have grown in confidence so much this year, and all of the children have a very bright future ahead of them. They have worked very hard over the past school year and have shown a great enthusiasm for English. I hope the children of Class 7 continue to work hard in the future and have many opportunities to use their English. They have been a pleasure to teach this year, and I wish everyone the very best for the future! Good job Class 7, and good luck!
卒園式を頑張ろうという気持ちをもって幼稚園にやってきたClass 9のお子さま達。卒園式で素敵な姿を見せたいという気持ちが見られました。卒園式では、一人ひとりが真剣な表情で参加する様子が見られましたね。卒園証書を受け取る時のかっこいい返事や、よろこびのことば・歌の時の元気な声を聞いて、9組さんが小学校に行く心の準備はしっかりできているなと感じました。大好きなお友達とのお別れは寂しいですが、幼稚園で出会ったみんなはいつまでも友達です!小学校に行っても、元気一杯頑張ってくださいね!