HOMECURRENT EVENTS > IYK World Carnival 年中組宿泊体験学習 Vol.3

IYK World Carnival 年中組宿泊体験学習 Vol.3

Today was the second day of the IYK World Carnival. All the children woke up after a good nights sleep ready for a new day of fun. It was great to see all the Intermediate children getting ready in the morning by themselves. Whether it was brushing teeth by themselves or sorting out their luggage all the children did a great job. After a quick morning meeting we went outside for some exercise. Everyone had a lot of fun in the fresh air moving their bodies. After that we came back inside for some breakfast and it was very yummy. We finished off the day with a recap of the past two days and a speech from the vice-principal who was very proud of all the children.

After all, it was a very fun event and all the Intermediate children could broaden their horizons by not only learning more about the world but also more about themselves. Well done Intermediates!
