Today’s Class 5
Today in Class 5 was awesome! We started the day with a new topic for our May English Activities – animals. Today, we learnt about Mother animals, their babies and which pairs match together. It was a lot of fun to experiment with matching animals and to be able to practice using our new English phrases together. In addition to our English Activity today, we also completed a 1-20 Number Print exercise. It was great to watch the children work in their teams to put the number cards in the correct order, as well as complete their worksheets carefully and neatly. Class 5 are so talented! Finally, we practiced hanging from the iron bar in order to develop our strength and our confidence during Physical Activities. Everyone was able to complete the iron bar challenge with ease and everyone is looking forward to the next Physical Activity. Once we had completed everything, we finished off the day with a delicious school lunch. Well done Class 5, see you tomorrow!