August Birthday Party
Today’s Birthday Party was so much fun! Everyone did such a good job saying their names and their age, as well as sitting and waiting nicely. Today’s Junior Birthday friends were able to use a big voice to say their name, well done Juniors! Today’s Intermediate Birthday friends were able to use teamwork to say their ages together, it was very impressive. Today’s Senior Birthday friends were so kind and thoughtful in the way they presented the birthday gifts for their friends, everyone was so happy. Lastly, today’s Birthday play was done by the English teachers as a present for the August Birthday friends. The title of the play was; “Giraffes Can’t Dance”. In the play, the Giraffes were able to learn how to dance, forgive and ultimately, make friends. The play finished with a big “Happy Birthday” and everyone went back to class. Thank you everyone for such a wonderful party, let’s look forward to next month!