Hyogen Festival Day 1
Class 3 did such a great job with their first ever performance on stage in front of their family. First, they performed ‘Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang’ on the tambourines, dancing and performing to the beat so nicely. Everyone then did an amazing job performing ‘Baby White Fish’. We have all had so much fun practicing our lines, dances and gestures this month, and although there were a few nervous faces on stage today, we would like to thank you all for coming and for all of the support you have shown throughout the month. Tremendous job everyone!
Today was an extraordinary day for Class 5. Today’s performances were the culmination of many practices and a lot of hard work. Once again, thank you to all of the parents that were able to attend today – your support was incredibly important for the children and helped them to achieve the best performance possible. Despite being a little nervous, the children didn’t let it show and used a big, confident English voice to deliver their lines and sing their songs. Additionally, they were so excited to perform the dances they have been practicing alongside their songs. Thank you very much for coming and we hope you enjoyed the show! See you on Tuesday Class 5!
The Class 7 children did such a fantastic job today for their Hyogen Festival! Recently, there have been a lot of absences, however everyone came together to perform ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ on the tone chimes fantastically. There performance of ‘Rapunzel’ was also tremendous, after having practiced so hard to learn the songs, dances, gestures and lines so well. It was fantastic to see so many parents at today’s performance and we thank you for all of your support at home. Great job everyone!
Class 9は、MusicとEnglish playの発表を行いました。みんなで練習を重ねながら今日の本番を楽しみにしてきたお子さま達。Musicのハンドベルや合奏では、一人一人の楽器を合わせ、とても素敵な演奏を聞かせてくれました。またEnglish PlayのLittle mermaidでは、それぞれのキャラクターが、セリフの言い方や動きなどにもこだわって、とても迫力のある演技を観客の皆様にお見せすることができました。かわいい演技、怖い演技、怒っている演技、喜んでいる演技など、表情も豊かにステージの上に立っていましたね!何よりも、元気いっぱい、笑顔で発表する姿をお客さまに見ていただくことができ、終わった後には「楽しかった!」と大満足の様子でした。Class 9の皆さん、今日はとてもかっこよかったですよ!