Today’s Class 6

Today was a very fun and easy day for Class 6! We started the day with some fun songs before our Morning Meeting. After that, we drew pictures on the Scissors Craft we had started yesterday. Then we had a special Name-Writing Challenge where we wrote our names in Hiragana and in English! We played with our clay or sketchbook for a little bit when we finished writing our names. We had extra time, so we sang some silly songs while waiting for our lunch. Today was the Italy World Lunch! It was so delicious! We had a long Discovery Time, and then we did an English Activity. Today’s English Activity was fun because we had to look under many rocks to find baby animals. Sometimes we found trash instead and had to throw it away! Next, we played Handbells together; we sounded really good today! Then we did Phonics and the Goodbye Meeting. Finally, we went to Kitakaze Park! We had such a great time at IYK today! See you on Monday!