Today’s Class 5
Today in Class 5 we started the day the fun way, by going to the park and using our sleds to go down the hill. Class 5 did very well getting all their snow gear on and getting ready properly for outside play. It was a lovely, sunny day and we had a great time playing in the snow. Then, we got to continue making our amazing Oni masks during crafts time. We made all kinds of Oni with different colours and different shapes and sizes of teeth, horns and eyebrows. Then, we tried them on to see how we look as Oni. We looked super cool! Afterwards, we had a yummy lunch that we brought from home. We love to eat yummy food and got to enjoy our lunch together. Finally, we cleaned up and then got ready to play. It was a really fun day and we worked really hard and did our very best. We can’t wait to play in the snow again! Way to go Class 5! Keep up the good work!