Today’s Class 6
Today in Class 6, everyone was smiling all day long. Our Teacher’s Assistants used a big voice and led the Morning Meeting well. After that, for Phonics Time, the children thought of 3-letter words with “u” in the middle. It was difficult to think of more words, but everyone spelled them very well! We did Line Work, writing ん and え. Then we went upstairs for a Music Lesson and practiced using Hand Chimes! Today was World Lunch. Our World Lunch was from Vietnam. We ate phở gà which is a type of chicken noodle soup. It was so yummy! We played in the Class 6 room during Discovery Time today. After that, we had our Goodbye Meeting. Finally, we went outside to play in the snow! The snow was very easy to build things with today! Many friends went sledding down the hill as well. It was a wonderful end to a wonderful day!