
There are only two months remaining in this term. The warm summer of Sports Festival has passed, and the natural world is slowly moving towards a cold state of rest. This is the prime season for colds and other diseases, so please take care of you and yours at home.
Here at the kindergarten, from October 13th through 23rd, the Parents Teacher events were held. This is a great opportunity for the children and parents to learn more as childcare as a whole, both through teaching the children something, and the kids having a chance to experience time with someone else’s mother or father and see the effort parents put in. It began from Career Day for fathers. There were activities like reading time, games, and crafts, which the kids all loved. Many of them said “So and so’s mother did this for us!” with a lot of glee. It was a great experience for everyone involved. Thank you very much for your efforts during such a busy time.
The third Sunday is Family Day, and the week leading up to and after it is recognized as Family Week. This is a chance to focus on family relationships and skills. It’s said that even without parents children can grow, but human beings aren’t content with just eating and growing. It is especially important with children of this age to have a healthy diet of care and discipline at home, too. This diet should provide them with basic social skills, so after they have grown from both a mental and physical standpoint, they are capable of becoming contributing members of society. Discipline is an important part of this, and can lead to better work habits and such in adulthood. But this must also be balanced with loving contact from parents. The children can follow this path to better eating and toilet habits, getting dressed, emotional control, and etc. Teaching the kids these skills while praising them all along.
Here at the kindergarten, we reinforce these skills, but home and the family is the best place for kids to be learning them. It better suits their developmental and personal needs.
With the colder season, please take care with regards to infectious diseases. It is a time to think about what kind of adult you’d like your child to become, and how to guide them there. The most loved person a child has is their own parents, and home is the place where the heart is most at ease.