HOMEMESSAGE FROM IYK > 大きなステップアップ 表現フェスティバル

大きなステップアップ 表現フェスティバル




そんなお子さま達はいよいよ明日、明後日と『表現フェスティバル』の発表に挑みます。「これがステージ?」と初めてステージを見て、ステージの上に立った時は満面の笑顔を見せていた年少組は、その小さな身体をめいっぱい動かして、ストーリーに出てくる登場人物たちの「楽しい気持ち」、「悲しい気持ち」、「怒った気持ち」を表現します。年中組は、ストーリに出てくる、いくつかの役同士のやりとりを理解し、同じ役の友達と一緒に「こういう風に動こうね!」と自信をもって練習してきました。そして、ストーリー展開、役の気持ち、やりとりのすべてを理解できる年長組は、その感情を身体で表現し、「英語」のセリフ、そして歌に挑戦します。小さな小さなプレスクールのお子さま達も、大勢のお客さまの前で緊張しながら頑張ることでしょう。今年度は、音楽講師の指導による楽器演奏、歌にも力を入れてまいりました。普段の生活や遊びの中で培ってきた、「友達とイメージをひろげて遊ぶ」延長がオペレッタや劇につながり、4月からのMusic lessonで行ってきた歌や楽器演奏が、今回の発表にその成果として現れます。準備のために、衣装製作をはじめ物心ともにご家庭にはご支援とご協力をいただきましたことを、心から厚くお礼申し上げます。本当にありがとうございました。表現フェスティバルに向けて日々練習してきた「努力」や当日得る「緊張」は、当日を終えると「自信」につながり、表現フェスティバル後も改めて自分の役や内容をイメージの世界で大きく膨らませ、主体的に何度も何度も繰り返して楽しんでいくでしょう。それは次の学年へあがる一つのステップアップです。どうぞ当日、そしてその後のお子さまの成長をお楽しみください。


The year has almost come to an end. The cold season brings with it flu season as well. The symptoms of colds and the flu vary from person to person and virus to virus, but it generally includes runny nose, coughing, abdominal pain, vomiting, and sudden fever. Make it a habit to see the doctor when a fever develops, or there is ear pain and coughing. Here at the kindergarten, we are reinforcing the importance of “washing up” and “gargling”, and doing our best to ensure they can enjoy a healthy winter.

In recent years there have been a lot of changes in how children interact and play together, especially in groups. The emergence of video games and other devices has also lessened their interests in books and impacts their comprehension too. Children raised in such a way run into trouble forming personal relationships.

But take a look at the IYK children. You might ask “Are they staying active?” or “Are their imaginations being fostered?” and “Are they forming relationships with their classmates?” The answer to all of these things would be yes. They love dancing along to music, getting absorbed in a book, and acting out fantasies with their friends. So even though they are still quite young, the kids are already great at imagining, acting out, and enjoying their experiences with friends. This is one of the core concepts of “Play” here at IYK, and during their formative years as a whole.

Now, the days after you receive this newsletter will see the children perform for Hyogen Festival, one of the biggest challenges of the year. While they didn’t know what a stage was at first, the Junior class children have had such great smiles in their rehearsals up until now. Their performances will display all kinds of emotions, be they happy, sad, or joyful. Intermediate children all became characters in a story, having fun deciding with friends of the same role what they would do. Senior classes combine all of this progress into their crowning achievement, the English play and its songs. Even the preschoolers will try their best in front of a daunting large crowd. This year, under guidance from the music teacher, more time has been devoted to musical performances and songs. The operettas and plays this year are an extension of things the children have done in everyday life, while the base for the musical performances has been laid from April. We would like to take the chance to thank all of the parents and guardians who assisted in the preparation process. Thank you so very much. Hopefully the children’s effort will overcome their nervousness and lead to more confidence. It would be great to see them build on this growth in the future. It marks a big step towards the next grade. Please enjoy the performances.

Also please take care of your health during the busy end of the year season.
