Today’s Class 1


Today was our first day back after the Physical Festival Closing Ceremony. Everyone had a lot of fun during the event, and leading up to it as well. Today, however, we did a lot of other fun activities together. In the morning, after Morning Meeting, we had ECT with Class 7. Class 1 has enjoyed interacting with the other immersion classes, and today we got to know the Class 7 friends better. After that, we had our English activity. We have been learning about sea animals this month, and today we learned about fish scales. We made brightly colored rainbow fish by giving them lots of colorful scales. Eveyone did a great job and made some interesting looking fish. Once we cleaned up from our English activity, we went outside to spend some time playing in the park. We saw many dragonflies and pigeons, as well as flowers, pinecones, and wild mushrooms. After the park, it was time for lunch and we were very hungry. Today we ate lunch with Class 2. Everyone enjoyed their lunch box and got to spend time with their friends. We look forward to another great day together tomorrow.