  • 2023.05.17Today’s Class 7

    Today the Class 7 friends had a very active time! In the morning we went to Kitakaze Park with Class 4 and enjoyed making BBQ’s with flowers as well as hunting for bugs. After our Morning Meeting we played dodgeball, before having our first introduction to Senior Group Activities. All of the children, whether in the unicycle, jump rope or stilts team are very excited for their first practice session on Friday! Before going home, we had fun learning a new Japanese song, as well as singing several other songs together. It was a short, but fun filled day in Class 7 today. Well done everyone!
  • 2023.05.16Today’s Junior

    今日は年少組でトマトの苗植えを行いました。朝から「今日はトマト植えるんだよね?」と楽しみに登園してきたお子さま達。まずはクラスで苗植えの手順について話を聞きましたよ。土の穴に苗を置いたらその上から優しく土をかけたり、クラスプレートを立てることなど真剣に話を聞いていました。いよいよ楽しみにしていた苗植えのスタート!「トマトの赤ちゃんは葉っぱがいっぱいついているね」「土は濡れていて冷たいよ!」など感じたことを伝え合いながらお友達と一緒に楽しく植える様子が見られました。全員が苗を植え終わると”甘くて美味しいトマトができますように”という願いを込めて全員で”grow grow grow!!”と元気いっぱいにマジックワードを唱えました。これから水をあげたり、雑草を抜いて美味しいトマトを育てていきましょうね!

  • 2023.05.15年長体育教室

  • 2023.05.12Today’s Intermediate

     今日は年中組でピーマンの苗植えを行いました。水曜日のFood&Lifeで『ピーマンクエスト』のクイズに挑戦し、ピーマンの育て方や栄養について学んだお子さま達は、ピーマンを植えることに大きな期待を膨らませていました!クラスごとに市野渡先生と一緒に苗植えをスタートすると、お子さま達はドキドキしながらそっとピーマンの苗を土の中の穴に置きました。仕上げに優しく土をかぶせ、無事全員ピーマンを植えることができました。最後にピーマンが元気よく育つように「Grow Grow Grow!」とMagic Wordを唱えましたが、「あれ?みんなの声が土の中まで届いていないみたい!」と市野渡先生がピーマンの声に耳を傾けてくれました。それを聞いたお子さま達は「もっと元気に言ってみる!!」と張り切り、ピーマンも喜ぶくらいの大きな声で「Grow!Grow!Grow!」とMagic Wordを唱えていました。これから水やりが雑草取りをし、8月の収穫に向けて年中組のみんなで力を合わせてお世話を頑張ります!

  • 2023.05.11Today’s Class 6

    Today in Class 6 we talked about new animals in our morning songs and we had a swimming lesson. It was really fun and it made us very hungry. Later we used crayons and made umbrella crafts. Everyone drew something special! Tomorrow we will learn about green peppers and make a grow diary. I cannot wait to see all the plants grow. It is going to be so interesting!
  • 2023.05.10Bear Class Opening Ceremony

    Today was Bear Class Opening Ceremony. We are so happy to finally meet everyone! We could enjoy play time, a morning meeting, and our first English Activity. The children met a new friend: Elephant and he had photos of his friends Duck and Monkey. They could say “Hello” to them and pretend to be them. They danced to “Skidamarink” and we had a great time. Thank you to the parents for coming and we appreciate your participation. Everyone did such a great job. See you next week!
  • 2023.05.09Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. First we had a check up at the dentist. It was great to see all the children not being afraid to get a dental examination. After we returned we did nursery rhyme and song time and this was followed by tying a ribbon. Recently we have been talking about breakfast in Class 4 and the children are getting very good at asking the question “What did you eat for breakfast?”. After English Conversation Time we did craft time. This involved learning about the rainy season in Japan and making an umbrella. First we chose a colour for the umbrella and we cut it out of card. Next, we stuck down the umbrella on paper. Tomorrow we will use our crayons to colour in the umbrella and draw pictures around it. Class 4 really enjoyed eating udon today and had a great lunch time. This was followed by phonics time where we played a dice game with the letter “g”. Well done Class 4!
  • 2023.05.08Today’s Intermediate


  • 2023.05.02Senior Food&Life

    今日はSenior Classでじゃがいもの種芋植えを行いました。じゃがいもの種類や栄養の話を聞いて、「昨日の給食のクリームシチューにもじゃがいもが入っていたよね!」「僕、ポテトフライ大好き!」など大好きなじゃがいもを育てることに期待を膨らませていたお子さま達。IYKガーデンでは、市野渡先生から「芽の部分は触らないよ」「土のお布団をやさしくかけてあげようね」と教えてもらい、丁寧に、一生懸命植える姿が見られました。そして最後はクラスみんなで、「Grow!Grow!Grow!」と大きなじゃがいもが育つようおまじないを唱えましたよ。
    教室に帰ってからは、Poteto Diary⓵「たねいもをうえました」を書きました。「たくさん育つかな」「お水をあげにいこうね!」と活動を振り返り、「収穫まで大切に育てよう!!」と気合い十分なSenior classのお子さま達でした。
  • 2023.05.01Today’s Class 5

    Today in Class 5 was awesome! We started the day with a new topic for our May English Activities – animals. Today, we learnt about Mother animals, their babies and which pairs match together. It was a lot of fun to experiment with matching animals and to be able to practice using our new English phrases together. In addition to our English Activity today, we also completed a 1-20 Number Print exercise. It was great to watch the children work in their teams to put the number cards in the correct order, as well as complete their worksheets carefully and neatly. Class 5 are so talented! Finally, we practiced hanging from the iron bar in order to develop our strength and our confidence during Physical Activities. Everyone was able to complete the iron bar challenge with ease and everyone is looking forward to the next Physical Activity. Once we had completed everything, we finished off the day with a delicious school lunch. Well done Class 5, see you tomorrow!