  • 2023.12.11Today’s Senior

  • 2023.12.08Today’s Senior

    1つ目のチャレンジは、「かずの合成」。カードに書かれた2つのかずをあわせるといくつになるのかを考え、答えを書いたら“文字かずChallenge Box”に届けるというかずのChallengeでした。「こんなの余裕だよ!」と自信をもって取り組んでいたお子さま達は、1学期よりも大きいかずの合成も、指を使ったりしながら正しく考え、見事チャレンジクリアすることができました。
    2つ目のChallengeは、“ふれせんと”や“へんきん”などと書かれたカードに濁点や半濁点をつけて、正しい言葉に直すというひらがなのChallengeです。選んだカードのイラストを見て、どこに濁点が着くと良いか考えて、完成させた時には「できた!」と達成感を感じていましたよ。みんなが解き終わると、『Challenge せいこう!つぎのステージにすすむ!』という紙が飛び出し、お子さま達は大喜びで、3つ目の挑戦へ駒を進めました。
  • 2023.12.07Today’s Class 6

    Today in Class 6 we had our first Christmas English Activity. We received a letter from the Elf to crack the Elf’s code, fly to the Elf’s Decoration Shop using the sleigh, and decorate our Class 6 Christmas tree with decorations. We were successful and we celebrated with a ‘Jingle Bells’ dance. Later we started to paint the branches for our Christmas tree crafts. We tried our best to write our names on the stars and drew and made tree trunks. After a long morning, we were so happy to make our own rice balls for lunch. Before we knew it, it was time to go. Thank you for all of your hard work today Class 6. We are going to have lots of activities tomorrow and it’s going to be so much fun. See you then!
  • 2023.12.06文字かずChallenge(年少)

  • 2023.12.05Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we had a very Christmasy day!! We had an English Activity first, where the children went shopping for different ornaments. After colouring their ornaments, the children decided together where to put each item, “On the top”, “In the middle”, “On the bottom” or “Under” the Christmas tree. We then had a short game time together, before writing letters to Santa, asking for different presents for Christmas. Before lunch there was enough time to continue our ‘Working Santa’ drawings and add paint to them. Everyone had lots of fun and we are all getting very excited for Christmas to come! Great job everyone!
  • 2023.12.04Today’s Interidiate


  • 2023.12.01Today’s Class 5

    We had a blast in Class 5 today! Our first activity of the day was a Music Lesson and in this lesson we started practicing a new instrument – the tone chime! The children found it very interesting to hear new sounds and ways of creating music and had lots of fun experimenting with the tone chimes. Next, we tested our Hiragana knowledge and practiced our writing together. The children have progressed so much since the beginning of the year, with regards to their Japanese language abilities and their English language abilities. Last but not least, before lunch time the children each drew their idea of an original train design. Some friends drew animal trains, some friends drew rainbow trains, some friends even drew birthday cake trains and many more! This was really enjoyable, as we could place to drawings next to one another and form a long train track with all of the trains from Class 5! What a wonderful day. Thank you Class 5 and see you next week.

  • 2023.11.30November Birthday Party

    今日は11月生まれのBirthday Partyを行いました。Birthdayのお子さま達は、たくさんのお友達を前に少しドキドキした様子でしたが、お祝いの言葉や拍手を受けると、照れながらも嬉しそうに名前や年齢などの質問に答える姿が見られました。そして、今日は先生達からピアノコンサートをプレゼント!「誰が弾くのかな?」とみんなで考えているところに、ピアニストのスペシャルゲストが登場しました。シューマン作曲の「謝肉祭」から2曲と、今年ドラマの主題歌として有名になった緑黄色社会の「サマータイムシンデレラ」、最後にお子さま達が大好きなYOASOBIの「アイドル」と、全4曲を演奏していただきました。早い指の動きに息をのむお子さまや、「これ知ってる!」と一緒に歌うお子さまなど、様々な様子でピアノコンサートを楽しんでいましたよ。最後は感謝の気持ちとして、ピアニストの方に年長のお友達が代表し、花束のプレゼントをお返ししました。11月生まれのお友達、Happy Birthday!
  • 2023.11.29Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. After Discovery Time and Exercise we went back to Class 4 and played a game. This game involved children guessing what toys were hidden by using the sense of touch. It was very pleasing to see all the children having so much fun and getting all of the annswers right including the difficult ones. After that we played more with our costumes from Hyogen Festival and we did some number writing time. Everyone was very eager to eat lunch and we enjoyed that followed by some jump rope. Class 4 is looking forward to the Birthday Party tomorrow! Good job everyone!
  • 2023.11.28Today’s Class 3

    In Class 3 today, we had lots of fun. We did number practice for the first time in a while. Everyone practiced lining up the numbers one through five in order on the white board. The class helped one another to line them up correctly, so everyone did a great job with lots of team work. We also practiced writing the number eight with a worksheet. The Class 3 friends had lots of fun playing and coloring too after they drew their Hyogen Festival memories. Everyone drew themselves on the Hyogen stage performing in their costumes with their friends. We hope the children can have fond memories of their Hyogen Festival when they look at their drawings.