  • 2022.06.25IYK Adventure Quest年長組宿泊体験学習 Vol.5

    そして朝は5時過ぎから話し声が、、6時前にはみんなすっかり目が覚めて、みんなで予定より早い身支度をしました! みんな元気です。

  • 2022.06.25IYK Adventure Quest年長組宿泊体験学習 Vol.4

    夕食はカレーライス、サラダ、メロン。「おいしい!」「野菜たべられた!」とみんなで食べる食事を楽しんでいましたよ。食事を済ませると夜のイベントがスタート。「たいへ~ん!」と先生達。なんとバスの鍵が入った金庫が開かなくなってしまいました!いたずらをしたのは、天狗山に住んでいるMr.てんぐ。クイズに正解すると金庫が開く、とのことで、みんなでクイズに挑戦しました。「みんなが泊っているのは”てんき山?” ”てんぐ山?”」「てんぐがかぶっている帽子の名前は?」などのクイズに見事全問正解し、鍵を取り戻すことができましたよ。てんぐは年長組さんと友達になりたくて、いたずらをしてしまったそうです。「友達になってくれる?」というMr.てんぐの声に「いいよ!」と年長組。Mr.てんぐは嬉しそうに山へ帰って行きました!
  • 2022.06.24IYK Adventure Quest年長組宿泊体験学習 Vol.3

    小樽自然の村に着きました!まずは入館式。お友達と先生達と過ごしてパワーアップして帰ろうね!とお話しを聞きましたよ。その後荷物整理を済ませ、館内探検へ。資料室、お風呂、たくさんの部屋を見て回りました。そしていよいよゲーム大会です。リレー、duck duck Tengu、花火がドン!の3つのゲームをみんなで協力したり、競い合ったり、、、体育館にはお子さま達の楽しい笑い声に溢れています。さて、次は夕食です。
  • 2022.06.24IYK Adventure Quest年長組宿泊体験学習 Vol.2

  • 2022.06.24IYK Adventure Quest年長組宿泊体験学習 Vol.1

  • 2022.06.23Today’s Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we had a super fun day. We started the day doing exercise and calming, Class 1 friends are getting better and better at singing the song, doing the dance moves and sitting nicely with their eyes closed. Today we had English Activity and we received a letter from the Fruit Wizard setting the children a sequence challenge. The children were shown a sequence of fruit and then had to complete the sequence by standing in the square of which fruit came next. All Class 1 friends did so well and earned a gold star as a reward. Next we did Line Work, which was writing straight lines between two cups creating string phones and also drawing a line from a balloon to a hand. We then made a string phone and Class 1 friends had lots of fun talking to each other with the string phone. Next it was time for lunch which today was burdock root and beef on rice. It was very yummy and Class 1 friends ate all the lunch very quickly.
  • 2022.06.22Today’s Class 8

    Today was only a half-day but Class 8 did many things today! Firstly, Class 8 made beautiful Tanabata crafts using their origami, cutting and drawing skills. Class 8 then wrote their own wish on it in English. It was great to see what each student wished for! After this, we did English writing together and had fun during Discovery Time.
    Well done for today everyone!

  • 2022.06.21Today’s Elephant Class

    Elephant Class had so much fun today with our physical activity! We read a book about picking apples and the character loses them after they all roll away. The children helped find apples in our classroom and they could say “Apple please,” to get one. Then, when the teacher said “go!” they ran and put them in the apple basket. The children had lots of fun running and dancing and were very hungry when it came time for lunch. Great job all day today, Elephant Class! See you next week.
  • 2022.06.20Today’s Intermediate Class


  • 2022.06.17Junior Open Class

    Today was the Junior Open Class day. Class 1 had lots of fun having Mummies and Daddies come and watch an English Activity today at IYK. We started by singing the ABC song and then playing a phonics quiz with words beginning with M. After that we then went to Fruit Wonderland and were greeted with a surprise visit from the Fruit Wizard. Class 1 friends have been receiving letters from the Fruit Wizard this month helping us learn about different types of fruit. In today’s activity he showed us his magic fruit machine. Class 1 friends put the fruit they took from the Fruit Wonderland into the fruit machine, said the magic words and then the fruit changed into juice. Once we received our juice we sang the juice song together. Everyone had lots of fun meeting the fruit wizard and did a great job today. We would like to say thank you to the parents who attended today and also for their continued support!

    Class 2 had lots of fun showing off their English skills to their Mommies and Daddies. Everyone sang the ABC song together, then called out lots of words that start with the letter ‘J.’ This month Class 2 friends have been learning about many kinds of fruits, and also enjoyed reading the story book, ‘Millie the Millipede.’ We received a letter that Millie was coming to IYK today, but when she got here, she was very sad because she wanted to be a colorful rainbow. We decided to give her some fruit candy that they went shopping for yesterday. All the children were able to ask Millie what she wanted, then ask Mr. Ian for the same flavour candy. Once everyone had a candy, Millie called them up and the children fed her the candies one by one to make her a colorful rainbow. She was so happy, and everyone say together. All of the children did a wonderful job today. We would also like to say a big thank you to all of the parents who joined us today. Thank you for your support!

    Class 3 did a terrific job in today’s English Activity! Everyone was excited that their parents would be visiting and could speak the English really well. We began with a short phonics time. The children sang the ABC song and had a review of the letter ‘j’. The children could say the vocabulary very well, and everyone knew what the hidden word was in the game we played! The children had been anticipating Clifford’s arrival for days. They even had a fruit basket ready for him as a special present, but the basket was empty! The children were introduced to Mr. Fruit, a character who sells fruit from his colorful basket. Everyone used the special Mr. Fruit coupons to buy fruit for Clifford’s fruit basket. When Clifford finally appeared, the children could all tell him ‘Here you are!’ Thank you very much to all of the parents who came to support their children by watching the Activity.