  • 2022.06.02Today’s Elephant Class

    Elephant Class had so much fun at Maruyama Zoo. We were happy that the weather was nice and everyone could come. The children could see many animals. We saw kangaroos, monkeys, lesser pandas, elephants, and more. They were really interested in the animals and looked very carefully. A family of monkeys even began talking when we were nearby. It was very cute! The children could repeat the animal names and everyone got stickers too. We walked all around the zoo and at the end the children got a yummy present. Great job everyone and we had so much fun. See you back at school on Monday!
  • 2022.06.01Today’s Bear Class

    Bear Class was so much fun today! The children did so well playing nicely and everyone is so friendly. Today’s activity was about colors. The children could practice saying “red”, “blue”, “yellow”, and “green”. They listened carefully and went to the same color house that the teacher said. Then, puppets came out and the children walked around the room like elephants, rabbits, and dinosaurs. It was so nice to hear many voices and see lots of smiles. Good job everyone! See you next week.
  • 2022.05.31Today’s senior

     今日はさつまいもを植えるために、クラスの友達とバスに乗ってさとらんどへお出かけです!バスの中では、“さつまいものお花はヒルガオのお花とそっくりなんだね”“さつまいもの切り口の白い液体はヤラピンっていうんだね”など色々なことを知ったり、じゃがいもとの違いについても学んだお子さま達。じゃがいもやさつまいもにたくさん栄養があることがわかると、「残さず食べなきゃ!」と食への意欲も高まっていた様子でした。さとらんどに到着すると、係員さんがさつまいもの植え方を教えて下さり、早速さつまいも植えスタート!苗の向きに気を付けながら植えた後は、軍手が土だらけになるくらい何度も土を手ですくって苗にかけてあげていました。最後には、さつまいもが大きく育つように「Grow!Grow!Grow!」とみんなでMagic wordを唱えましたよ!草むしりなどのさつまいものお世話をしに6月末にもう一度さとらんどへ行くことを伝えると大喜びのお子さま達。どのくらい生長しているのか楽しみですね!

  • 2022.05.30Birthday party / 避難訓練

     今日は5月生まれのお子さまと、先月Birthday partyに参加できなかった4月生まれの3人のお子さまのBirthday partyでした。ニコニコの笑顔で友達に手を振りながら、ピアノの曲とみんなの手拍子に合わせて入場してきたお子さま達。“What’s your name?”の質問に元気いっぱい名前を答えたり、少し照れた様子で答える様子がありました。“How old are you?”の質問には、自分の年齢の数を指でつくりながら張り切って元気いっぱいに答えていました。全園児の手拍子に合わせて、誕生児一人ひとりの名前を呼びながらBirthday songを歌い終わると、最後はクラスの友達からのBirthdayボードとBirthdayカードのプレゼントを嬉しそうに受け取っていましたよ。そして今月の先生達からのプレゼントは“大きなかぶ”の劇です。いつもの“大きなかぶ”の劇とは違い、おじいさんの他にはハリーポッターや科学者、忍者が登場しました。4人では大きなかぶは抜けなかったので、最後にはインターナショナル山の手幼稚園みんなのパワーも借りて、無事大きなかぶが抜けました!5月生まれのお友達、Happy Birthday!

  • 2022.05.27Today’s Class 3

    In Class 3 today, we had a lot of fun inside! Today we practiced our ECT phrase: What did you eat for breakfast? The children are starting to ask and answer the target phrase confidently with other children in the class. We also had some sketchbook time in which the children could color their favorite thing! Some of the children drew faces or their favorite character. The children were all excited to be able to pull out their sketchbooks for the first time in a while. Before going home, the children were able to enjoy some Physical Time. They went through an obstacle course jumping onto a mat, crawling through a tunnel, walking on balance bars, and hopping through some hoops.
  • 2022.05.26Today’s senior

     今日から年長組のGroup Activityが本格的にスタートしました。「今日はGroup ActivityがあるからLunchは早く食べなきゃ!」などと朝から張り切っていたお子さま達!一輪車グループは、自分の名前が書いてある一輪車をゲットして大喜び!早速自分の一輪車に跨ってバランスを取る練習を行いましたよ。竹馬グループは、竹馬に乗る際にポイントとなる、つま先歩きでストップゲームを行いました。つま先で歩いたり止まったりする動きはバランスを取ることが難しく、フラフラなお子さま達!そこがすごく面白かったようでゲームが盛り上がっていました。ゲームの後は、Elephant feetに乗って、足と手を同時に動かす練習をしましたよ。縄跳びグループは縄跳びクイズを行い、「縄跳びを回すときに使うのは肩or手首?」「ジャンプは使うのは足の裏全体orつま先?」などの問題をみんなで考えていきました。クイズに全問正解したお子さま達は、それらのポイントを意識しながらプロペラや縄跳びを楽しみました。活動の最後にはGroup Activityのカードに頑張った証のシールを貼り、次回の活動にも期待を膨らませていました。
  • 2022.05.25Today’s Class 2

    Class 2 had lots of fun today. It was only a short day, but we managed to fit in lots of activities. After enjoying playing with some new toys during Discovery Time, we cleaned up and got ready for our Morning Meeting. All of Class 2 likes to participate and call out the phrases together. We then had some ECT, and the children could ask each other, “What did you eat for breakfast?” We had many answers, like cereal, yoghurt, fish, bread, rice and soup. We also played a phonics game where the children separated words based on their beginning sounds. After that it was time for an English activity. Bingo the dog needed our help to put flowers back in the park. The children turned over leaves to find different flowers, then told the class what they had and stuck them to the park. Once all the flowers were back, Bingo gave the class a present to use in our next English activity. We then sang the BINGO song and before we knew it, it was time to go home! We had a great day. See you tomorrow!
  • 2022.05.24Today in Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we had our second swimming lesson. The children did so well getting ready and changing their clothes by themselves. The children are learning the routine and seemed a lot more comfortable in the pool. During the lesson the children blew bubbles in the water, crawled along a bench like a crocodile and finally played, splashing water at each other and at the teachers. Everybody had a lot of fun and left the swimming lesson with big smiles on their faces. After building up an appetite we ate a yummy lunch. During afternoon Discovery Time the children made pizza and sausages out of clay, built a barn out of Lego for a tractor and made food for a party for Mr Andy. Finally we read a book about Bananas and sharing things with your friends. Good job Class 1!
  • 2022.05.23Today’s Class 8

    Today, Class 8 went on a Spring-themed adventure! It was a lot of fun. We began the day with a discovery adventure in the local park, discussing what new things we are able to see in Spring. After this, we coloured in the things we were able to find, then we did painting practice with flowers. Tomorrow we are looking forward to another fun English activity. Good job today everyone!
  • 2022.05.20Today’s Class 9

    今日も笑顔で幼稚園にやってきたClass 9のお子さま達。朝は天気が良かったので、早コースのみんなで外遊びに行きました。北風公園の草原で虫を見つけたり、鬼ごっこをしたりと、元気いっぱい遊んで大満足。遅コースの友達が来てからは、English lessonを行いました。Mr.Danと英語でやりとりすることが少しずつ楽しくなってきたようで、動物の模様や特徴について考えるActivityでは、”What can you see?””What does it have?”などの質問に対して、”I can see a lion!””It has a beak!”と、教えてもらった英語を思い出しながら答える姿が見られましたよ。午後からは雨が降ってきたため、今日予定していたグループ活動は中止になってしまいましたが、「早く練習したいな!」「来週は絶対やりたい!」と、期待はどんどん膨らんでいるようです。また、今日行った視力検査にも「ゲームみたいで楽しい!」と喜んで参加していた9組さんでした!どんなことにも大喜びで挑戦するお子さま達と、来週もいろいろなことをして遊びたいと思います!