  • 2020.09.30Today’s Class5

  • 2020.09.29防災避難訓練~火災~


  • 2020.09.28September Birthday Party


    今日は9月生まれのお友達のBirthday Partyでした。誕生日を迎え、またひとつ大きくなったことを喜び、元気いっぱい名前や歳を答えることができていました。先生達からのプレゼントは、「ヤスヤスさんのArt教室」。来月から始まるArt Monthに向け、牛乳パックや紙コップを使った楽しいCraftを紹介してくれました。ビョーンとジャンプするカエルやヘビに大歓声!「やってみたーい!」「つくってみたーい!」という声がたくさん聞かれ、Art Monthへの期待を高めていたようです。クラスや学年でも、絵画・製作活動の楽しさを感じながら、楽しく取り組める活動を計画していますよ!楽しみにしていてくださいね。
  • 2020.09.26IYK World Carnival


    Today was the IYK World Carnival. All the Intermediate children were looking forward to this event. First we were greeted by Mr.World who had lost the passports needed to go on the airplane. The Quizzler had taken them and the children did very well to defeat the Quizzler through the challenges. Next the children made passports and rode the airplane to Scotland, China and Canada. They did ice hockey, dragon dance and caber tossing in these countries. All the children did very well and had dinner with the children. After that we tried to turn on the lanterns that the children made but the Quizzler had stolen the lightswitch. Everyone became friends and defeated the quizzler to get back the lightswitch and sing We are the World! Well done Intermediates
  • 2020.09.25Today’s Class 4

    Class 4 ①Class 4 ②IMG_3748

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started with outside play with Class 7. All the Class 4 children were impressed with Class 7 and their unicycle skills. Some of the children wanted to try it for themselves. This was followed by a morning meeting where we got a letter from Mr.World. Everyone is looking forward to the World Carnival tommorow. The children want to show the Japanese lanterns they made to new friends around the world. Next we had phonics tme where the children could match words to lowercase letters. This was followed by English writing where the children are getting much better at writing upper and lower case letters. Today was a lovely Autumn day so we spent lunchtime in Kitakaze park with Class 5 and 6. All in all it was a very eventful day for Class 4 and the children cannot wait for the Wordl Carnival tomorrow!
  • 2020.09.24年長組 地下鉄乗車体験


  • 2020.09.23Today’s Class 3


    今日も元気いっぱいの3組のお子さま達は先週、絵の具を使って描いた自分の顔の輪郭にクレヨンを使って、顔のパーツや髪の毛を描き足して自分の顔を完成させました。絵を描くことに苦手意識をもっていたお子さまも、「目はどこに描いたらいいかな?」などと、パーツを一つずつ確認しながら一緒に描き進めることで、「目はこの辺でいいかな…。」「口は赤色がいいよね!」などと、友達との会話を楽しみながら描くことができていました。また、今日はMiss. Dorothyと一緒にEnglish Lessonを楽しみ、かなこ先生と一緒に野菜クイズをしたりと盛りだくさんの一日でした。明日は久しぶりのMusic Lesson♪また、元気なお顔を見せて下さいね☆

  • 2020.09.18Today’s Class 2


    Everyone in Class 2 had a great day today. It was rainy in the morning, but that meant that we could have more fun inside instead. Many children enjoyed doing the dances from Physical Festival. After cleaning up and a quick morning meeting, we learned about some new sea animals for ECT (starfish, clownfish, and manta). During phonics time, everyone did a wonderful job of matching up lower case letters and upper case letters. We also had a letter from Little Fish, who had a quiz about fish. We then made our own fish by cutting and gluing scales. Everyone did a fantastic job using scissors, as well as showing how to properly pass them to someone. After an early packed lunch, we headed downstairs to see Dr. Tame for the medical check-up. When we got back, we had some Discovery Time and before we knew it, time for the goodbye meeting. What a wonderful day. Have a great weekend!
  • 2020.09.17Elephant Class Zoo Trip #1


    Today the Elephant Class children who come on Mondays and Thursday were joined by their families and we went to Maruyama Zoo. It was so much fun! It seemed like it might rain but the weather was nice. Everyone did such a good job walking and we could see many animals. The children had “Zoo Tickets” and got stickers when we found certain animals. We saw kangaroos, monkeys, lions, zebras, red pandas, and elephants. The children seemed really happy to see so many animals. Thank you to all the parents and family members who came. We had wonderful time. Great job everyone and see you next week.
  • 2020.09.16Today’s Class 1


    Today was our first day back after the Physical Festival Closing Ceremony. Everyone had a lot of fun during the event, and leading up to it as well. Today, however, we did a lot of other fun activities together. In the morning, after Morning Meeting, we had ECT with Class 7. Class 1 has enjoyed interacting with the other immersion classes, and today we got to know the Class 7 friends better. After that, we had our English activity. We have been learning about sea animals this month, and today we learned about fish scales. We made brightly colored rainbow fish by giving them lots of colorful scales. Eveyone did a great job and made some interesting looking fish. Once we cleaned up from our English activity, we went outside to spend some time playing in the park. We saw many dragonflies and pigeons, as well as flowers, pinecones, and wild mushrooms. After the park, it was time for lunch and we were very hungry. Today we ate lunch with Class 2. Everyone enjoyed their lunch box and got to spend time with their friends. We look forward to another great day together tomorrow.