  • 2022.09.30年長さとらんど

  • 2022.09.29Today’s Class 3

    In Class 3 today, our main activity was swimming. It was our first swimming lesson in a long time, but the children remembered how to do “crab” and “crocodile.” The swimming lessons have become more challenging in the second term, but the children are doing their best and learning a lot. It was also exciting to see some of the children choosing to read a book about creatures that live under the sea during Discovery Time. Yesterday’s trip to the Otaru Aquarium seems to have sparked an interest in marine biology! For story book time, Class 3 was introduced to the story for Hyogen Festival through puppets. Some of the children also enjoyed playing with the puppets and imitating the story during Discovery time.
  • 2022.09.28Otaru Aquarium

  • 2022.09.27September Birthday Party

    The September Birthday Party was held today and there were 15 energetic and happy children celebrating their birthday’s this month. All of the children could introduce themselves and say their ages with lots of confidence. After receiving their presents, we were treated to a musical performance by two Djembe players. After introducing us to the sounds the African drum makes, the birthday children were invited to the front to try and play! After the birthday party finished, the djembe’s were taken to each classroom for all of the IYK children to sample playing. There were many smiles and many children with great natural rhythm. Happy birthday September friends!
  • 2022.09.26Today’s Class 2

    Everyone had a great time in Class 2 today. After everyone arrived, we did exercise with Class 1, then had our Morning Meeting. We have begun Teacher’s Assistants, so everyone is excited to participate in Morning and Goodbye Meetings. We then did some number writing practice. Afterwards, we had Food and Life, where we learned about what different vegetables look like on the inside when cut open. We then used the vegetables as stamps to make colorful pictures. Soon, it was time for lunch. Everyone is doing very well putting away their own dishes after eating. The time went by very quickly, but everyone is already excited for tomorrow. What a great day! See you soon!
  • 2022.09.22Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant class we were happy to see everyone after a week away. The children enjoyed helping Old McDonald with his animals. They could listen to the teacher, find the correct farm animal like “cow”, “duck”, “chicken”, cross a bridge, and put them in the farm field. We had lots of fun dancing and enjoyed eating lunch boxes at lunch time. Have a wonderful weekend and see you next time!
  • 2022.09.21Today’s Bear Class

    Today in Bear Class the children had fun helping Old McDonald with his farm animals. We reviewed “cow”, “duck”, “chicken” and introduced “pig”. The children could each say “pig, please” and take them to the farm. But since we had so many animals, the farm was too crowded! Next, the children and their parents picked animals and put them in their own “fields”. The animals were happy and we ended by dancing along to “Old McDonald had a Farm”. It was great to hear the kids saying animal names like “cow” and their sounds like “moo”. Havea
    great week and see you next time, everyone!
  • 2022.09.17Physical Festival

    今日は、農試公園のツインキャップでPhysical Festivalが開催されました。ツインキャップで行われるのは3年ぶりなので、初めての場所にワクワクどきどきしながら、保護者の皆さまと一緒に入場してきたお子さま達。ニコニコ笑顔だったり、緊張していたりと、1人1人の表情は様々でしたが、今日という日を心待ちにしていたことが伝わってきました。年少さんは、初めてのPhysical Festivalでダンスを覚えるのも、玉入れのルールも、かけっこをするのも初めてでしたが、一挙手一投足すべてが可愛らしく、伸び伸びと楽しみながら参加することができましたね。年中組は、昨年度は動画配信での開催だったので保護者の皆さまの前で披露するのは初めてでした。昨年と比べて難しくなった遊戯の振り付けに挑戦したり、かけっこ並びもしっかり覚えて、真剣に参加していましたね。年長組は、最後のPhysical Festival。チアダンス・フラッグダンス・かけっこ・リレーなど一番たくさんの種目がありましたが、素早く並んだり、体を大きくつかってダンスをしたりと、細部までしっかり確認しながら取り組んでいました。最高学年らしく、最後まで一生懸命取り組み本番を迎えることができましたね。どの学年も、大好きな家族の皆さまに見守られ、温かい応援を受けながら一生懸命頑張る姿は、とても感動的でした。最後に、全園児での”応援いっぱいありがとう”ではお客様に感謝の気持ちをこめて踊りました。閉会式では、ドキドキの結果発表。今年度は僅差でRed Starsが優勝、White Angelsが準優勝でした。どちらのチームも本当によく頑張りましたね。明日からの3日間はゆっくり休んで、水曜日からまた元気に登園して下さいね。本日は、たくさんのご声援をありがとうございました。
  • 2022.09.16Today’s Clas 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. First we showed the “Happy” dance to the senior classes. Everyone did such a good job dancing! Them we wrote some letters of the alphabet. Today’s letter’s were U and V. The children could identify which words could be matched to the correct letters. After that we had some dance practise with the other Intermediate classes followed by hand bell time and game time. All the children were so kind to each other giving up their chairs during this game. This was followed by lunch and book time. Class 4 is very excited about the Physical Festival tomorrow and will do their best! Well done Class 4!
  • 2022.09.15Today’s Class 9

    今日のClass 9は、みんなで秋刀魚をつくるCraftをしました。秋刀魚の形に丸めたコピー用紙を銀色の折り紙で包むと、秋刀魚の写真と見比べて「本物みたい!」と大喜びだったお子さま達。クレヨンで秋刀魚の体の色や模様を描いたり、目玉を貼ったりした後は、七輪を画用紙でつくり、美味しそうな炭火焼きの秋刀魚を完成させました。明日は秋刀魚を食べるみんなを画用紙で製作するので楽しみにしていて下さいね!Physcal Festivalに向けて、意欲がどんどん高まってきたお子さま達は、北風公園でのダンスやリレーの練習も一生懸命頑張っていました。「今日こそ勝つぞ!」と意気込みながら参加しているリレーでは、イエローチームが初めて1位になって大喜びするなど、勝つことを目標に、白熱しながら取り組んでいるお子さま達です。本番まで練習できる日はあと1日。みんなで力を合わせて頑張りましょうね!