  • 2022.09.08Today’s Class 6

     今日のclass 6は、Physical Festivalに向けて、Kitakaze Parkに全クラスで集まり『応援いっぱいありがとう』や『Closing Ceremony』をしたり、Intermediateの『ミニオンDance』や『Race』をするなど、体を思い切り動かして過ごしました。また、お部屋では玉入れゲームを行い、「全然入らないよ~」「(玉が顔にぶつかり)あ、痛っ」「いっぱい投げてみる」などと試行錯誤しながら、前回よりも沢山入れられるよう諦めずに取り組んでいました。らっきーから「促音(っ)」について教えてもらい、「よっと!」「ろぼっと!」とみんなで声を揃えて読み方を確認しながらプリント活動に挑戦したあとは、お待ちかねの給食の時間。テーブルの上にホクホクのサツマイモご飯とお月見ゼリーが並ぶと「美味し~い」とお喜びのお子さま達でした。
  • 2022.09.07Today in Class 5

    Today in Class 5 was a lot of fun! We started our day with Discovery Time. Friends in Class 5 love Discovery Time, it gives them a lot of opportunity to talk to each other and play their favourite games together. Today, playing with toy animals was a favourite for Class 5. After Discovery Time, Intermediate friends and Senior friends did some exercise and practiced the IYK school dance! Today’s main activity was a Food and Life quiz about vegetables, which all three Intermediate classes did together – Intermediate friends are very smart and helped each other with the quiz! Next, we practiced our dance for the upcoming Physical Festival and then Class 5’s Teacher Assistants finished the day with a Goodbye Meeting! Well done Class 5, see you tomorrow!
  • 2022.09.06Today’s Class 3

    We had lots of fun in Class 3 today! Everyone did an excellent job practicing for the Physical Festival. Even though they were tired, they did their best in the many indoor activities. Some of the children finished their Tsukimi Craft today. Everyone did such a fantastic job folding the paper to make a rabbit, gluing the moon, and coloring with lots of creativity. Class 3 caught on to this month’s ECT target very quickly, and everyone could line up at the table and ask “Can you dance?” to their friend. This month, we started something new in the Junior Classes. Everyone takes turns writing their names on a special card in English. The children are eager to come over to the table and practice writing their name even if they are in middle of playing with toys.
  • 2022.09.05Today’s Elephant Class / Class 2

    Elephant Class had so much fun today! We introduced vegetables like green peppers, potatoes, and okra. Then we cut the vegetables in half and looked inside. We used paint to make prints with the vegetables and the children really enjoyed it. They could
    pick any vegetable and use any color they liked. Everyone carefully dipped their vegetable in the paint and stamped it on their paper. Great job painting, everyone. We will decorate or classroom with the children’s art work.

    Class 2 had lots of fun today doing an origami craft. The children learned about watching the moon at the end of summer, and that some people see a rabbit pounding rice cakes in the moon! Everyone listened carefully and made careful folds. Then everyone glued their rabbits and moons to construction paper. We also enjoyed practicing our exercise and dance for Physical Festival. All the Junior friends had a great time throwing bean bags into the basket, practicing Fill the Basket.

  • 2022.09.02Today’s Elephant Class

    Today the Elephant Class children had so much fun pretending to be ducks. The children could all walk like ducks while we looked for baby ducks. We found an entire tub full of ducks and the children could help them. Together, the children counted “one”, “two”, or “three” ducks and carefully moved them from the tub to a nice, dry towel. Later we sang the “Three Little Ducks” song and had yummy lunchboxes. Great job everyone. Have a nice weekend!
  • 2022.09.01避難訓練

  • 2022.08.31Today’s Bear Class

    Today in Bear Class we had so much fun counting ducks. First, the children helped find a tub full of yellow rubber ducks. Then, together with their parents they picked a card with the numbers 1, 2, or 3 on them. If they chose a “2” then the children picked 2 ducks from the tub. We collected all the ducks on a towel so they could play together, then we sang the “3 Little Ducks” fingerplay song. Great job everyone and see you next week!
  • 2022.08.30着衣泳体験

  • 2022.08.29August Birthday Party

    Today was August’s Birthday Party. There were 19 friends that had birthdays in August. Everyone said their name in a nice big voice when asked and could also say their age clearly. Everyone then received their birthday present from their class, presented by one of their classmates. Then it was time for a short play from the teachers. This play was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Three Bears made porridge for breakfast before going out for a short walk to let their porridge cool down. While the Bears were out Goldilocks snuck into the house and ate the Bear’s porridge before falling asleep. Once the Bears came back they discovered their porridge had been eaten and then found goldilocks. After a short chase, Goldilocks and the Bears became friends and discovered it was also Goldilocks’ birthday today. Mommy Bear then brought a birthday cake out from the oven and Goldilocks and the Three Bears celebrated together.
  • 2022.08.27Open School~体験入園~

    今日は令和5年度入園されるお子さまを対象に、体験入園がありました。初めての幼稚園にちょっぴり緊張した様子のお子さまもいましたが、先生達やお父さま、お母さまと遊び始めると、笑顔が見られようになりました。体験していただいたEnglish Activityでは、森へいってフルーツを採ったり、Mr. Juiceにジュースを作ってもらったりし、”Apple juice, please!” “Thank you.”などかわいい声が聞こえてきましたよ。短い時間でしたが、楽しんでいただけていたら幸いです。ご参加いただきましたお子さまそしてご父母の皆さま、ありがとうございました。