  • 2023.12.06文字かずChallenge(年少)

  • 2023.12.05Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we had a very Christmasy day!! We had an English Activity first, where the children went shopping for different ornaments. After colouring their ornaments, the children decided together where to put each item, “On the top”, “In the middle”, “On the bottom” or “Under” the Christmas tree. We then had a short game time together, before writing letters to Santa, asking for different presents for Christmas. Before lunch there was enough time to continue our ‘Working Santa’ drawings and add paint to them. Everyone had lots of fun and we are all getting very excited for Christmas to come! Great job everyone!
  • 2023.12.04Today’s Interidiate


  • 2023.12.01Today’s Class 5

    We had a blast in Class 5 today! Our first activity of the day was a Music Lesson and in this lesson we started practicing a new instrument – the tone chime! The children found it very interesting to hear new sounds and ways of creating music and had lots of fun experimenting with the tone chimes. Next, we tested our Hiragana knowledge and practiced our writing together. The children have progressed so much since the beginning of the year, with regards to their Japanese language abilities and their English language abilities. Last but not least, before lunch time the children each drew their idea of an original train design. Some friends drew animal trains, some friends drew rainbow trains, some friends even drew birthday cake trains and many more! This was really enjoyable, as we could place to drawings next to one another and form a long train track with all of the trains from Class 5! What a wonderful day. Thank you Class 5 and see you next week.

  • 2023.11.30November Birthday Party

    今日は11月生まれのBirthday Partyを行いました。Birthdayのお子さま達は、たくさんのお友達を前に少しドキドキした様子でしたが、お祝いの言葉や拍手を受けると、照れながらも嬉しそうに名前や年齢などの質問に答える姿が見られました。そして、今日は先生達からピアノコンサートをプレゼント!「誰が弾くのかな?」とみんなで考えているところに、ピアニストのスペシャルゲストが登場しました。シューマン作曲の「謝肉祭」から2曲と、今年ドラマの主題歌として有名になった緑黄色社会の「サマータイムシンデレラ」、最後にお子さま達が大好きなYOASOBIの「アイドル」と、全4曲を演奏していただきました。早い指の動きに息をのむお子さまや、「これ知ってる!」と一緒に歌うお子さまなど、様々な様子でピアノコンサートを楽しんでいましたよ。最後は感謝の気持ちとして、ピアニストの方に年長のお友達が代表し、花束のプレゼントをお返ししました。11月生まれのお友達、Happy Birthday!
  • 2023.11.29Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. After Discovery Time and Exercise we went back to Class 4 and played a game. This game involved children guessing what toys were hidden by using the sense of touch. It was very pleasing to see all the children having so much fun and getting all of the annswers right including the difficult ones. After that we played more with our costumes from Hyogen Festival and we did some number writing time. Everyone was very eager to eat lunch and we enjoyed that followed by some jump rope. Class 4 is looking forward to the Birthday Party tomorrow! Good job everyone!
  • 2023.11.28Today’s Class 3

    In Class 3 today, we had lots of fun. We did number practice for the first time in a while. Everyone practiced lining up the numbers one through five in order on the white board. The class helped one another to line them up correctly, so everyone did a great job with lots of team work. We also practiced writing the number eight with a worksheet. The Class 3 friends had lots of fun playing and coloring too after they drew their Hyogen Festival memories. Everyone drew themselves on the Hyogen stage performing in their costumes with their friends. We hope the children can have fond memories of their Hyogen Festival when they look at their drawings.
  • 2023.11.26Hyogen Festival Day 2

    Today was Class 2’s Hyogen Festival performance. We were excited to see everyone as they arrived, and all the children had such big smiles on their faces from the moment they walked through the door. Everyone did such a tremendous job playing their tambourines to ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,’ then it was time for our English play, ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf.’ A few friends were a little nervous to be on stage in front of their families, but all of the children did such a wonderful job! There were lots of big voices, big gestures and big smiles. The children worked so hard to put on a good show today, and they made us all very proud! Thank you to everyone who came today!

    Class 4 has had so much fun with Handbells and the story “The Musicians of Bremen” over the past month and were very eager to put on a good performance today. It was very pleasing to see all the children come together with the hand bells to make beautiful music with the song “Deck the Halls”. It was so nice to see the Christmas Spirit shine through! After that, Class 4 changed costumes and became different characters to put on their own rendition of “The Musicians of Bremen”. All the children did their best using a big voice for singing and putting plenty of emotion into their lines. Thank you to all the parents and family members who have supported their children through this time. Your children deserve a lot of praise!

    Today, Class 6 put on their Hyogen Festival performance for their families to see. The children have worked so hard practicing their dances and learning their lines. It was amazing to see them on stage today and they did such a good job. They performed ‘White Christmas’ with the handbells, listening carefully and keeping time with each other. Everyone had so much fun doing our English play, ‘Peach Boy,’ an English version of the Japanese folk tale, Momotaro. Thank you to all the parents and relatives who came today. Thank you for your support each and every day.

    Class 8 had so much fun today performing for the Hyogen Festival. They played beautifully the melodion using harmonies and they were so excited to perform the piece “Butterfly”. Everyone was a little nervous before starting the English play “Peter Pan” on the stage and they did so well, they used a big voice and they could put so much emotion into their lines. They performed and acted amazingly to bring their characters to life and it was so nice to see how much fun they were having. A big thank you to all the parents and family members who came today and also for all your great support through all this. Your children worked so hard, they practiced with such eagerness everyday and they did really great today. Please give them lots of praise!

  • 2023.11.25Hyogen Festival Day 1

    Class 1 did a great job during Hyogen Festival today! It was their first time performing in front of a big audience, so they were a little bit nervous, but they did a great job! First, they played along to “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” showcasing their tambourine skills they have been working on so hard during music lessons this year. Then they did their best to use their big voices to say their lines and sing their songs while presenting “Shark in the Park”! Everyone did a great job today! Thank you so much for coming to watch!

    Class 3 did such a great job with their first ever performance on stage in front of their family. First, they performed ‘Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang’ on the tambourines, dancing and performing to the beat so nicely. Everyone then did an amazing job performing ‘Baby White Fish’. We have all had so much fun practicing our lines, dances and gestures this month, and although there were a few nervous faces on stage today, we would like to thank you all for coming and for all of the support you have shown throughout the month. Tremendous job everyone!

    Today was an extraordinary day for Class 5. Today’s performances were the culmination of many practices and a lot of hard work. Once again, thank you to all of the parents that were able to attend today – your support was incredibly important for the children and helped them to achieve the best performance possible. Despite being a little nervous, the children didn’t let it show and used a big, confident English voice to deliver their lines and sing their songs. Additionally, they were so excited to perform the dances they have been practicing alongside their songs. Thank you very much for coming and we hope you enjoyed the show! See you on Tuesday Class 5!

    The Class 7 children did such a fantastic job today for their Hyogen Festival! Recently, there have been a lot of absences, however everyone came together to perform ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ on the tone chimes fantastically. There performance of ‘Rapunzel’ was also tremendous, after having practiced so hard to learn the songs, dances, gestures and lines so well. It was fantastic to see so many parents at today’s performance and we thank you for all of your support at home. Great job everyone!

    Class 9は、MusicとEnglish playの発表を行いました。みんなで練習を重ねながら今日の本番を楽しみにしてきたお子さま達。Musicのハンドベルや合奏では、一人一人の楽器を合わせ、とても素敵な演奏を聞かせてくれました。またEnglish PlayのLittle mermaidでは、それぞれのキャラクターが、セリフの言い方や動きなどにもこだわって、とても迫力のある演技を観客の皆様にお見せすることができました。かわいい演技、怖い演技、怒っている演技、喜んでいる演技など、表情も豊かにステージの上に立っていましたね!何よりも、元気いっぱい、笑顔で発表する姿をお客さまに見ていただくことができ、終わった後には「楽しかった!」と大満足の様子でした。Class 9の皆さん、今日はとてもかっこよかったですよ!

  • 2023.11.24Today’s Class 1

    Class 1 had a fun last day of rehearsal before Hyogen Festival! We started off the day by playing our tambourines along to “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” before going down to the stage for one final practice of “Shark in the Park”! Then we came back to Class 1 and took a break from practicing to do our Morning Meeting and play Stop Game! After rehearsing one last time we played Duck, Duck, Goose, drew in our sketchbooks and then enjoyed our packed lunches! Soon enough it was time to read a book and go home! Class 1 is so excited to show mommies and daddies all of their hard work tomorrow!