  • 2024.02.29文字かずChallenge(年中)

     今日は年中組最後の文字かずChallengeが行われました。「前のChallengeよりも難しかったらどうしよう」「みんなでやればきっとクリアできるよ」と当日を楽しみにしていた年中組のお子さま達。まず初めはNumber Challengeに挑戦しました。プリントに書かれた〇のかずを10のかたまりごとに線で囲み、正しいかずが書けたら同じかずのカードをもっている教師のもとに並びます。もしダミーカードに並んでしまうと、後ろにバッドモンスターが隠れていたため、お子さま達はドキドキしながらも真剣な表情で取り組み、無事全員正解することができました。次に挑戦したHiragana Challeageでは、選んだ絵カードの文字とホワイトボードの文字とを見比べて、『同頭語』『同尾語』の仲間分けをしました。途中うっかり違うグループにカードを貼ってしまうお子さまもいましたが、もう一度よくカードの文字とホワイトボードの文字を見比べ「あっこっちだ!
  • 2024.02.28文字かずChallenge(年少)

  • 2024.02.27February Birthday Party・俳句会

    今日は、2月生まれのBirthday Partyでした。ピアノの演奏と手拍子に合わせて入場してきたお子さま達は、みんなの前で少しドキドキした様子もありましたが、自分の名前や年齢を元気いっぱいに答えることができましたよ。クラスのお友達から歌やプレゼントをもらった後は、先生達からのプレセント!‟食いしん坊おばけ”というパネルシアターを披露してくれました。腹ぺこなおばけの子どもたちが冷蔵庫のドアをこっそり開け、つまみ食いをするストーリで、色々な食べ物のシルエットが出てくる度に、「トマトかな?」、「美味しそう!」というような声がたくさん聞こえてきました。最後には、大きなお皿にのったデコレーションケーキが出てきて、みんなで2月生まれのお友達のお祝いをしました。お子さま達はパネルシアターが終わった後も歌を口ずさんだりと、余韻を楽しんでいました!

    Birth day Partyの後には、年中・年長のみんなに集まってもらい、9組のお子さま達が俳句を発表する”俳句会”を行いました。1年間、名句を詠んだり、色々な季節の俳句をつくったりしながら俳句に触れてきたClass 9。3学期には、冬・春の俳句をみんなで作り、その中から代表して5人のお子さまが発表をしてくれました。「雪」や「冬休み」など、冬の季語を使った俳句や、小学生になる期待を込めてつくった春の句など、素敵な俳句を元気いっぱい披露したClass 9のお子さま達でした。

  • 2024.02.27Today’s Elephant Class

    Elephant Class had a great time performing for their parents today. They pretended to make snowmen and danced to the “Snowman Dance” using lots of English vocabulary like “big”, “medium”, and “small”. They also played bells to “Under the Sea” just like they learned in music lessons. Everyone was adorable and looked so happy. They all did their best. We hope you enjoyed the show and are proud of them. The year is almost done, so let’s make the most of the next two lessons in Elephant Class. See you on Friday!
  • 2024.02.26Elephant Class Mini Performance

    Elephant Class had so much fun showing their mini performance to their parents today. The children could dance to the “Snowman Dance” and say English words like “big”, “medium”, “small”, and “freeze”. They could also play bells along to “Under the Sea”. Everyone looked so cute and happy. Many friends were a little shy but they all tried so hard and we hope you are proud of them. The year is almost over so let’s enjoy the next weeks of Elephant Class and continue having fun. See you all on Thursday!
  • 2024.02.22Today’s Class 3

    Today was a super fun day for Class 3. After arriving at IYK and having Discovery Time with Class 2, we got ready for the day and sat down to practice our pencil control with some line work. After a quick Morning Meeting, it was time to get ready for shopping with the Preschool children. The children have made cool maracas and doughnuts for their shops. Half of the children were shopkeepers and the other half were customers. Everyone went around buying fun and colorful items like pizza, magic wands, ice cream, fish, maracas and doughnuts. Everyone used lots of great English, “What do you want?” “That one, please!” When everyone had finished shopping, we said goodbye to the Preschool friends and got ready for lunch. Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye. Thank you very much for a fun day. See you on Monday!
  • 2024.02.21Immersion Day 4

    IYK enjoyed Immersion Day today! All of the children, from Classes 1 to 9, were divided into 6 teams led by an English Teacher. After having Discovery Time and a quick Morning Meeting in their teams, the children got ready to go to Kitakaze Park. In the park, everyone exercised in the snow to get warmed up, before enjoying 2 special English games. In the first game, the children helped feed 3 animals, a bear, a cat and a tiger. Children collected a colour ball each and fed them to the animal with the same coloured hat. The next game was the Polar Bear game. Children had to listen carefully to the instructions, “If you’re wearing black boots” or, “If you’re 4 years old” and then run away from the hungry bears! All of the children had so much fun together and helped each other to play the games. After returning to IYK, the children enjoyed lunch and Discovery Time in their teams before an English book and the days Goodbye Meeting. It was great to see all of the children talking, playing and helping each other. Well done everyone!
  • 2024.02.20Today’s Class 2

    Class 2 had lots of fun today. After arriving in the morning, we had Discovery Time with Class 3. Then we cleaned up and got out the tables. The children put on their craft smocks and got their crayons so that they could draw faces and other details on their snowmen. We did the painting a few days ago. There were many cute and colourful snowmen. After Morning Meeting and ECT, “What’s your favourite animal?” we got ready for today’s main event. We had shopping with the Preschool children. We got the Pizza Shop and Fish Shop ready with many items put out. Half of the class were shopkeepers and half were customers. Everyone had fun using lots of English to get some cool items like maracas, ice cream, and magic wands. Soon it was time for lunch and Goodbye Meeting time. Thank you for a great day everyone. See you tomorrow!
  • 2024.02.19Today’s Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we started off a great day by swimming in the nice, warm pool and practicing blowing bubbles out of our noses! Then during Discovery Time we worked on writing both our first and last names together. After Morning Meeting we did the final page in our Line Work book where we used all of the line drawing skills we’ve been working on to decorate a nice medal. Then after a yummy school lunch we picked out money that we’ll use when we go shopping with our Elephant Class friends tomorrow and Thursday! After we read a book it was time to say ‘see you’ and end our fun day together!
  • 2024.02.16Open Class Junior

    Today the Class 1 children had so much fun showing their mommies and daddies the results of all their hard work during English Activities and Phonics this year! Everyone did a great job going shopping for shapes and putting them into Mr.Polar Bear’s Magic Machine so they could get out yummy foods! We also had fun helping the ABC train get back its letters so we could sing the ABC song!

    Today the Class 2 children had lots of fun getting yummy snacks with the help of Mr. Polar Bear’s Magic Machine. We have used the Magic Machine before, but it only gave us crazy foods! Mr. Polar Bear said that he had fixed it, and we needed the magic word too! Everyone did a great job being shopkeepers and customers, asking their friends, “Which do you like, rectangle or circle?” When everyone had their shapes, we put them in the Magic Machine and said the magic word, “Sim Sim Sala Bim!” and riceballs, pizza, sandwiches and hot dogs came out! After eating our food, we all danced to Mr. Polar Bear’s favourite song, then put the letters back on the ABC board before singing the ABC song. Thank you very much to all of the parents who could attend today. Your ongoing support means so much to us! Great job everyone!

    Today the Class 3 children did a fantastic job using English to get lots of yummy food from Mr. Polar Bear’s Magic Machine. Everyone was very excited that their Mummies would be coming today, and did so well using big, confident voices. We received a letter from Mr. Polar Bear, inviting us to his snack shop to get shapes for the Magic Machine. All the children were both shopkeepers and customer, and got their shapes from each other. When we had our shapes, we put them in the Magic Machine using the magic word “Sim Sim Sala Bim!” and out came some yummy foods. After singing and dancing together, the class put all of the letters back on the ABC board and sang the ABC song very nicely. We had so much fun today, and thank you very much to all of the parents who came today. We are so happy that you could see your children doing such a great job!