  • 2024.03.11修了式

  • 2024.03.10第59回卒園式

    Class 7は、卒園への寂しさを感じながらも、最後まで堂々とした姿を見せてくれました。
    Class 8は、やる気溢れる表情で、元気いっぱい式に参加してくれました。
    Class 9は、最後にお父さまやお母さまに素敵な姿を見せたいという意欲をもって、素敵な姿を見せてくれました。
  • 2024.03.08Today’s Class 5

     今日は1年間使用した教室を大掃除しました。「たくさん拭いて綺麗にしよう!」と張り切り、自分のロッカーや椅子やテーブルをピカピカにしましたよ。床を拭く時間には、雑巾がけの態勢で駆け回って楽しんだり、雑巾がけレースを行って盛り上がりました!大掃除の後は、年中児としてはラストのEnglish Activityを行いました。イタリアには‟Tower of pisa”、メキシコには“Chichen Itza”があるなど、様々な国の高い建物について知ったお子さま達は、紙コップで高いタワーをつくるゲームにチャレンジ!グループに分かれて、制限時間内にどのチームが1番高く紙コップを積み上げられるか競争しました。どうしたら高さが出るかをよく考えたり、紙コップが倒れないように慎重に積み上げる姿が見られていましたよ。どのグループも上手に高いタワーをつくり上げ、大喜びのお子さま達でした。今年度も残り1日となりました。最後の1日も大好きな友達や先生方と楽しく過ごしましょうね。
  • 2024.03.07Today’s Class 7 (Farewell Party)

    IYK held the Farewell Party for our Seniors today and the Class 7 friends had lots of fun with their younger friends! After playing games in the morning and enjoying our second-to-last ‘Morning Meeting’ together, the whole kindergarten got together for the Farewell Party. We practiced entering and singing ‘Friends Forever’ and the Junior and Intermediate friends sang ‘Omoide no album’ for us. Class 7, Class 5 and Class 2 then got together to play 2 games together for the final time. We played Cargo Train and the Tamborine Game before the Juniors and Intermediates gave us super cool medals that they had made together. We enjoyed a tasty buffet style lunch together too before it was soon time to go home! There is only 1 day of regular class left before Sunday’s Graduation Ceremony, and I know it will be a really fun final day! See you all tomorrow everyone and thank you for a fun Farewell Party!
  • 2024.03.06Today’s Bear Class

    Today Bear Class had our last day. It was great to see everyone once more before they move up and become Juniors. The children did really well this year and we are so proud of them. Today we had our usual Morning Meeting followed by an English activity. Each child could go shopping for flowers and ask “May I have a flower, please?” They could give them to their parents and say “I love you,” too. We finished with a little ceremony where each child received a Certificate of Completion. Congratulations everyone and great job! Thank you for the wonderful year and thank you parents for your support. We wish you the best in kindergarten next year!
  • 2024.03.05March Birthday Party

    Today was the March Birthday Party. We started with the children who had been awarded certificates for their amazing art work. Next, the March Birthday Friends entered. It was so pleasing to see everyone confidently say their name and age in a big voice. Once we sang the Happy Birthday Song and gave presents, three goats appeared. They wanted to celebrate a Birthday Party by eating grass cake. However, there was a hungry troll that wanted to eat the goats. Eventually all the goats crossed the bridge to eat grass cake and they became friends with the troll through the power of dance and music. Once again, I would like to extend a warm congratulations to all the Birthday friends and a big thank you to all the family members who came and watched today.
  • 2024.03.04Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot in Class 4. We started the morning with a Swimming Test. It has been very pleasing to see everyone improve so much over the year and Class 4 did a great job at this. Today was also World Lunch and Class 4 really enjoyed the fried banana dessert from Indonesia. A lot of the children wanted to eat it again. After lunch we did play time and a lot of the children were very excited to show things they made out of La-Q and Lego. The children are very much looking forward to the Birthday Party tomorrow and the remaining days in Class 4. Well done everyone!
  • 2024.03.01Today’s Senior
