  • 2019.03.02Pri Pri Club


    今日は4月から幼稚園に入園されるお子さまを対象にした体験入園と保護者説明会がありました。元気いっぱいあいさつをし、積極的に教師とかかわるお子さま、少し緊張した様子のお子さま、どんなことが始まるのだろうと期待に胸を膨らませているお子さまなど、色々な様子を見せていた自由遊び。大好きなお父さま、お母さまと離れ、涙する場面もありましたが、Morning mettingやExerciseでは、教師の真似をしながら伸び伸びと体を動かして楽しむ姿が見られました。メインの製作では、みんなでIYK山に行き、動物達と一緒にコンサートをするための楽器づくりを行いましたよ!くまのカスタネットに目や鼻、口などのシールを貼り、完成!「できた!」と嬉しそうに見せたり、音がなることに楽しさを感じ、夢中で鳴らすお子さまなど、喜び溢れる笑顔をたくさん見せてくれていました。最後にBear、Rabbit、Squirre、Bird、Raccoonと一緒に行ったMusic concertでは、泣いていたはずのお子さまも気付けば夢中になって演奏するほど、生き生きとした姿が見られていました。演奏が終わり、最後には思わず「いえ~い!」「やった~!」と笑顔で話す姿が印象的でした。今日はお子さま達のたくさんの可愛らしい姿に、教師一同4月からのご入園をより一層楽しみに感じることができた1日となりました。ご参加してくださった保護者の皆さま、本日はありがとうございました。
  • 2019.03.01Today’s class 2


  • 2019.02.28February Birthday Party


    Today was the February Birthday Party. First there were some awards given for children of the Kindergarten who did exceptionally well at art. The Kindergarten itself was also given an award to recognize this achievement. There were a lot of children who have their birthday in February and they could also say their name and how old they were in a big voice. After all of these children got their birthday cards from their friends Mr.Shay and Mr.Dan started to talk about magic. Mr.Shay tried to do a trick for Mr.Dan who wasn’t impressed. However, the Magic King appeared to perform several magic tricks for them and the children. This included tricks such as making a rose appear, making a magic wand longer and making a handkerchief disappear. Everyone was was very impressed and a lot of fun was had. The final trick involved a big explosion and a resounding Happy Birthday! Once again thank you to all the parents who attended the Birthday Party and a big Happy Birthday to all the Birthday Children.
    今日は、北海道教育美術展と全国教育美術展という絵画のコンクールで賞をとったお子さまに賞状渡しを行ないました。今日配布したInformationにもお知らせさせていただきましたが、全国教育美術展では、本園が「地区学校賞 教育美術奨励賞」という素晴らしい賞を受賞しました。今回賞をとったことで更に自信がついたお子さま、友達が賞をとったことで刺激を受けたお子さま、園が賞をとったことに喜びを感じたお子さまなど、一人ひとりのお子さまにとって絵を描くことがもっと好きになったり、意欲や興味を増すことができるように、教師一同更にサポートに力を入れてまいります!今回受賞したお子さま達には、保護者の皆さまからも、たくさんのお褒めの言葉を伝えてあげてくださいね。
  • 2019.02.27俳句発表会・All Immersion Day


    今日は、年中・年長 スタンダードクラスの俳句発表会でした。4月からクラスで取り組んできた俳句活動。年中組は、クラスで考えた、たくさんの俳句の中から1つに厳選した“あいうえお俳句”をクラスみんなで、年長組は季語を取り入れた5・7・5でつくられた“俳句”を3人のお子さま達が発表しましたよ。友達の前に出て、大きな声で自信をもって発表するお子さま達の姿に1年の成長を感じつつ、読まれた俳句の情景をイメージしながら年長組の俳句を聞いた年中組のお子さま達の中には、5・7・5に合わせて、指を折りながら数をかぞえ早速、俳句づくりを始める姿も見られました。これからも、楽しく俳句に触れてくれることを願っています。
    The Immersion children had lots of fun today! Classes 1, 4, and 7 could enjoy a whole day together. We had morning discovery time followed by exercise. Then, the children got to meet 3 special characters who had games and activities for them. Phonics Police Officer had alphabet letter writing and spelling games, Captain Planet had English Conversation Time, and the Storybook King helped some Class 7 children read their English storybooks. The children all tried hard and were very interested in the storybooks seniors wrote. They tried hard answering quizzes as well. After we finished, we ate lunch and played together until it was time to go home. It was so nice to see the children speaking English to each other while having fun. This school year is almost finished and today’s All Immersion Day was wonderful!
  • 2019.02.26Today’s Class 1


    We had a very busy day in Class 1 today…very busy, but very fun!
    After playing with Class 2 in the morning, we had our Morning Meeting and then Enpitsu-kun came to give us a Japanese writing lesson. Today’s lesson was writing from 1 ~ 5 on their worksheets. Everyone did very nicely and their ability to write their names by themselves is getting better each week. We then had the 2nd day of Junior Shopping, with Koala Class joining us. It was lots of fun being shopkeepers and helping to show our Pre-School friends how to buy things using English. We then had time for another jump rope challenge, with all of the children managing to jump 10 times by themselves! Tomorrow will be lots of fun with our last ‘All Immersion Day’ of the school year. Great job everyone and see you all in the morning.
  • 2019.02.25避難訓練


  • 2019.02.22Junior English Open Class


    Today was the English Open Class for Class 1. We all received ‘rocket tickets’ from Eddie-kun the Class 1 puppet yesterday, inviting us to join him in space! We got on the rocket and flew into space, only to learn that there were ‘bad aliens’ in space and that Eddie-kun needed our help! The children did a fantastic job of describing the ‘bad aliens’, if they had spots, stripes or checks and how many horns, eyes and tusks they had before their partners shot the correct alien with water guns! The children’s English abilities have grown so much throughout the past 11 months and it was fantastic to see them use English confidently in front of their parents. Thank you again to all of the mummies and daddies for taking the time to come and watch and support your children today.

    Both Class 2 and Class 3 had their English Classes today. A few weeks ago, the Bad Witch came and changed our yummy food into boring shapes. She gave us a challenge to get English Power to turn them back. The Junior classes have worked very hard to learn about shapes and build up their English Power. Today was the last challenge. The children became shopkeepers and customers at the Junior Restaurant, asking their friends, “What do you want?” “I want a triangle!” Everyone used a big voice and got lots of English Power. Then we called the Good Witch, and used the magic word “Abracadabra!” to change the shapes back into yummy foods. We were very impressed with the children’s energy and English use today. Thank you to all of the parents for coming, and we look forward to the children’s progress in English in the future.
  • 2019.02.21Intermediate English Open Class


    Class 4
    Today we had a wonderful time in Class 4! The children were all excited to help their friend Peter the Pig. They could do many challenges to help him! The children had English Conversation Time, sang the song “Sing-a-ling”, did a spelling challenge, and also did a world quiz. For the world quiz, the children described country flags and landmarks like “It has a yellow eagle and three stripes,” as well as say what food people in those countries eat. Other children listened carefully and guessed what country it is like, “Is it Egypt?” When all the challenges were cleared, the children got to meet Peter since they helped him. We were so impressed that each child spoke lots of English to answer questions and describe many things. Everyone did so well and had lots of fun. Thank you very much to the families for coming today and your continued support. It has been a wonderful year and we will make the most of the remaining time!

    Class 5 and 6
    Classes 5 and 6 had a great time today helping Mr. Zookeeper and his animals at I.Y.K. Zoo. We traveled around the world to India, China, Japan, Australia, and Egypt to look for nice, warm clothes for the animals. The children could say where each animal was from in a big, confident voice, “It’s from China / India / Japan / Australia / Egypt.” Everyone also asked “What do you need?” and answered by saying “I need a hat / scarf / jacket / glove / boot” in a clear voice. We even got to see their special animal dance at the end, and we had so much fun! We were so impressed that the children could use so much English. Everyone did a great job! Thank you to all of the parents who took the time to join us today. The children were so excited to see you. Well done, classes 5 and 6!
  • 2019.02.20Senior English Open Class


    Class 7
    Today was the Senior English Open Class for Class 7. The children storybooks had been taken away by Mr. English Stories. He had also set the children several challenges as the books were kept in a safe with a special combination. First, the children completed the song and vocabulary game challenge to gain the first number. They knew a lot of different countries in English and could make a song together. The next challenge was the spelling challenge and it was impressive to see that the children could write so many words and be confident in English. Next was the interview challenge where the children could talk about what they did yesterday to the friends and find different members of Class 7 to interview. And finally there was the story maker challenge where the children put back together different story books about some of the other English teachers at the kindergarten. The children could finally open the safe and all of the storybooks were there along with a letter. The letter revealed that Mr. English Stories was Enchou Sensei and he had been watching the children all along. Once again I would like to extend a warm thank you to all the parents who attended this open class and I hope you could see your child’s growth in English.
    Class 8 and 9
    Classes 8 and 9 did a great job helping all the athletes to find their sports equipment and get on the right planes to go home. All of the children were able to use big confident voices to ask each other today’s target questions, “What does he / she need?” to find out what sports equipment they need and “Where is he / she from?” to find out what plane they needed to get on. They were also able to correctly identify different sports based on what the athlete was wearing and when to use ‘He’ or ‘She’. Everyone did a wonderful job of showing their parents what they learned this year. Thank you again to all the parents that took the time to join us today and show the children their support. Congratulations to classes 8 and 9 for a super job!
  • 2019.02.19年中 文字かずChallenge


    今日は年中の文字かずChallengeでした。昨日文字かず王国のキングから“最後のチャレンジの準備ができた!”という内容のお手紙が届いた年中のお子さま達。「これがクリアできたら年長になれるってこと?」と、ワクワクしながら文字かずChallenge当日を迎えました。登園すると、「いつ文字かず王国に行くの?」「難しいかなぁ?」と、少し緊張しているお子さまや、楽しみにしているお子さまと様々な様子が見られました。みんなで気合を入れていよいよ文字かず王国へ出発!おなじみのCaptain Planetが登場し、「今日は2つのチャレンジにクリアすると、年長の文字かずに挑戦できる切符がもらえる!」という話を聞き、やる気十分になったお子さま達は、1つ目の“かずのチャレンジ”に挑戦!目の前に出てきたのは、所々に穴があいた1~50までの数列表…クラスみんなで協力して穴埋めをして、50までの数列表を完成させるというチャレンジでした。前のマスに書かれた数字を見て順に埋めていき、最後の1マスはH.Tが書き入れ、3クラス無事に正しい数列表を完成させることができました。続いて、2つ目のチャレンジは同頭語を見つけるひらがなチャレンジ!Mr.Danが持っているカードに書かれたひらがなと同じひらがなで始まることばが書かれたカードを探して、それぞれの家に貼っていきました。Mr.Danのひらがなカードをよく見て、たくさんあるカードの中から同頭語を見つけ出し、家に貼ることは少し難しいかな?と思いましたが、そんな心配はよそに、楽しくカードを選び取り組む姿にお子さま達の成長が感じられた一日でした。2つのチャレンジを無事クリアして喜んでいるところに、何やら聞き覚えの無い声が…なんと!文字かず王国のキングがみんなの頑張りを見て、プレゼントを持ってやって来たのです。年少ぶりのキングの登場に大喜びのお子さま達。プレゼントBoxを空けてみると、中には修了カードが…。年中組の文字かずChallengeはクリアし、年長組でも文字かずChallengeができる切符を手にたお子さま達は、「年長さんの文字かずってどんなことやるのかな?」と、期待を膨らませていました。修了カードは本日持ち帰っています。年長組になっても文字やかずに楽しく取り組み、またキングに会えるといいですね!