  • 2020.11.11Today’s Bear Classes&Class 9


    Both Bear Classes had a wonderful time today! The activities were very active and we moved our bodies a lot. Mr. Monster prepared a dice that each child rolled. On each side was a body part like “head” or “shoulders”. We put them on the blackboard and danced along to an original version of “Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes”. It was tricky at first but very fun! After that we sang the regular version of the song and had ABC Time too. It was very fun and everyone did such a great job dancing and singing in English!

    Class 9では、Hyogen Festivalに向けて、みんなでEnglish playやMusicの練習や、English playで使う小道具づくりをしました。本番まであと少しだと知ると、「ドキドキするな!」「もっと上手になりたいね!」とやる気十分だったお子さま達。劇中のピクニックソングで使うランチボックスのおかずが出来上がった時には、「おいしそう!」「ほんものみたい!」と大喜びでした。ステージで行ったMusicの合奏やベルでは、友達と息を合わせて演奏する姿が見られ、教師に褒められると嬉しそうに笑顔を見せていました。English playでは、少しずつ自分の役のセリフやダンスが分かるようになり、表情が生き生きとしてきました。覚えたセリフを自信をもって言うことができるようになり、ステージでの練習がさらに楽しみになったようです。明日もみんなで力を合わせてパワーアップしましょうね!

  • 2020.11.10Today’s Elephant Class & Class 8


    Elephant Class was lots of fun today! Like yesterday, we couldn’t go outside because it was still a little snowy but we stayed inside and did a craft. The children made chestnuts and put them in a little “house”. They could stick eyes and draw mouths and tried very hard. We were very impressed how well the children followed the English directions. We enjoyed Indian-style curry and naan bread for lunch and played with many toys before going home. Everyone left with a smile on their face and we can’t wait to see everyone again on Friday!
    今日のClass 8は、Hyogen Festivalに向けてEnglish playの練習や、製作を行いました♪English playが大好きなお子さま達は、今日から被り物をして練習することを伝えると、「わーい!」と大喜びです。いつも以上に楽しく練習する姿が見られ、「かわいいね!」「似合ってる!」と、自分や友達の衣装がとても気に入った様子でした。また、English playで使う大きな列車に、デコレーションをしました。折り紙をたくさん貼って敷き詰めていくのですが、Art monthでつくったものより大きいものをつくるということでやる気満々でしたよ。完成すると、「前より綺麗にできた!」と嬉しそうにしていました。Hyogen Festivalまで残りわずかとなりましたが、大好きなEnglish playを素敵なものにできるよう頑張っていきましょうね♪
  • 2020.11.09Today’s Elephant Class/Class 7


    In Elephant Class we were looking forward to playing in Kitakaze Park but it was snowy and rainy today. We stayed inside and did our autumn craft instead. The children helped make chestnuts by giving them sticker eyes and drawing mouths. They glued their chestnuts to green paper that looked like the outside of a chestnut. Everyone’s creations were very cute and they looked like 2 chestnuts together in a chestnut house. We continued the day by enjoying lunch. By the time we finished, it was time to go home. Good job everyone and see you Thursday. We hope the weather will be nicer than it was today.

    Class 7 had lots of fun today preparing for their Hyogen Festival performance. In the morning, the children practiced performing “The Hungry Giant” on the stage using clear voices and big gestures. During the Morning Meeting, Class 7 were super excited to see the snowy weather. We also did our special Line Dance and practiced with our Tone Chimes. Everyone has been working very hard and all of the children are looking forward to showing their family and friends. After lunch, we also did some Japanese writing practice and had lots of fun making many cool things during Discovery Time. Good job, Class 7!
  • 2020.11.06Today’s Class 3


    今日の3組さんはEnglish Lessonがありました。Hyogen Festivalに向けての活動が本格的になった今月から、年長組のEnglish PlayのサポートをしているMiss. Dorothyとたくさんの英語に触れながら、笑顔で取り組んでいたお子さま達。数日ぶりに一緒に過ごすことが出来て嬉しそうでした。Lessonの後は、Hyogen Festivalに向けての活動の時間。お部屋の床に貼られたカラーテープの色を見て自分の立つ位置や登場の仕方を確認し、それぞれの役になりきって演じるために、場面場面の登場人物の感情や表情をみんなでイメージしたりしながらオペレッタやタンバリンの練習をしました。「はやくお家の人に観てもらいたいな~。」と当日に向けて期待を膨らませているお子さま達です。来週からの練習もみんなで力を合わせて頑張りましょうね☆
  • 2020.11.05Today in Class 2


    We had a lot of fun in Class 2 today. After everyone arrived, we practiced our bells song for Hyogen Festival together. It was very fun, and the children enjoy shaking their bells around. After a quick morning meeting, we finished our fox origami craft. The children could call out many autumn things such as acorns and pinecones, and drew them with their foxes. We then set up the room to practice our English play. All the children have fun dancing and saying their lines. It was a fun practice and we are looking forward to performing in front of the parents. After that, we went outside for one of the last outside plays of the year. It was so much fun to run around in the cool wind. Before we knew it, it was lunch time, and then time to go home. What a great day. See you tomorrow!
  • 2020.11.04Today in Class 1


    Today was our first class in November, and it was also the first day of snow. We began with a phonics game and english conversation time together. The children now take turns each day as the teacher’s assistant, and the teacher’s assistants run the good morning and goodbye meetings by themselves. Everyone has enjoyed getting to lead in front of the class and speak lots of English. After morning meeting, we made a fox for an origami craft. Folding origami paper is a challenge, but everyone is doing their best. We also practiced for Hyogen Festival. There are many things to prepare, and the children have enjoyed acting out their parts in the play, learning their dance, and the musical performance. We can’t wait to show all the parents our hard work. Before lunch, we went for a walk in the park. It was a little cold, but it was snowing in the morning, so all the children wanted to go out and see. The snow had already melted, but we got to see how the park has changed now that winter is getting closer. We look forward to winter activities, as well as the upcoming Hyogen Festival.
  • 2020.10.30年長 着衣泳体験


  • 2020.10.29Halloween Party


    Today was a special day at IYK. It was the IYK Halloween Party! The children came in super cute and scary costumes and we had lots of fun together! In the morning, the children played together, before heading outside to have their class pictures taken. We also made our Halloween bags, sticking on stars and scary monsters, and colouring neatly. During the Halloween Party, the children did their best to get clues in order to find Mr. Halloween and his chest of yummy treats. The children did their best to help all of Mr. Halloween’s monster friends. First, they helped the Witch to make a magic potion using lots of yucky eyes and a magic word. Then the children searched for special keys that unlocked the doors on the monsters’ Haunted House. The children even danced together with the Skeleton! We went to visit Mr. Halloween and got many yummy Halloween treats! We even had a special Halloween lunch! Everyone did so well and had so much fun in their costumes! Good job, everyone! And Happy Halloween!
  • 2020.10.28Today’s Bear Classes & Class 8

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    Both Bear Classes were so much fun today! We were so happy to see everyones cute and cool costumes. Everyone looked so nice and enjoyed our Halloween activities. We helped play with baby monsters by pulling them across the room. We pretended to be many different Halloween characters while dancing along to “Fly Little Bats”. We even got to meet a new friend: Mr. Halloween. The children could say “trick or treat” and get a special, yummy present from him. After we said “thank you” we took photos. Mommies and daddies seemed so happy too. Thank you so much for your support, everyone. We can’t wait to see you next week!
  • 2020.10.27Birthday Party & Today’s Elephant Class


    今日は10月生まれのお友達のBirthday Partyでした。13人のお友達が誕生日を迎え、また1つ大きいお兄さん、お姉さんになりましたよ。手拍子でのBirthday SongとBirthday Cardのプレゼントの後は、先生達からのプレゼント。今月は、Junior Classの先生達がパネルシアターを見せてくれました。南の島にあるイグアナレストランには、毎日たくさんのお客さんがやってきます。今日もサルさん、ワニさん、トラさん、カニさんがお腹を空かせてやってきましたよ。雲のソフトクリームや風のスパゲティーでお腹を満たした動物たちは、この日1987歳の誕生日を迎えたイグアナさんにケーキをつくって、一緒にお誕生日をお祝いしました。幼稚園にも10月生まれのお友達がたくさんいることを知った動物さん達からは、Happy Birthdayのメッセージのプレゼント。お子さま達の笑顔が輝く楽しい時間になりました。
    The Tuesday/Friday Elephant Class children were so happy and active today. They could have lots of fun and many children could speak English confidently. We helped Mr. Monster once more during our English Activity. The children picked “scary” or “cute” friends, crawled though a “scary” or “cute” tunnel, and put them in Mr. Monster’s Halloween Party. Next time, Elephant Class will have its own Halloween Party. The children can wear costumes and get cookies from another special friend. Finally, we had spaghetti for lunch and played when we finished. Many friends even did the “Fly Little Bats” Halloween dance during play time by themselves. Good job everyone! See you on Friday and we cannot wait to see your costumes. Show us please!