• 2022.06.10Today’s Class 9♩

    今日は日本で初めて時計による知らせが行われたことを記念して制定された「時の記念日」。9組さんでは、時計をつくる製作を行いました。”時計のうた”を歌うと「大人の針は足が速いんだね!」「子どもの針はゆっくり歩いててかわいいね!」などとイメージを広げて楽しんでいたお子さま達。みんなで時計の文字盤に数字を書く時には、時計の針がどちらの方向に進んでいくのか考えながら書く姿が見られました。また、折り紙や星のシールで飾り付けした時計が完成すると、「今は永い針が11で、短い針が5だ!」と針をセットしたり、「寝る時間何時にしようかな?」と、友達と時間を考えたりしながら遊んでいたClass 9です。午後からは毎週楽しみにしているグループ活動!それぞれの場所で、レベルアップを目指して一生懸命に練習していましたよ。来週の月曜日は、俳句が大好きなお友達からチャレンジが届く予定です!みんなで協力して、クリアを目指しましょうね!
  • 2022.06.09Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we had swimming. It was so impressive to see the children’s confidence and to see them challenge themselves to improve their swimming abilities. After getting dry, we had English Conversation Time, followed by today’s yummy noodle and dumpling lunch. Before going home we had time for a Japanese book and short discussion about the overnight stay coming up towards the end of the month, ‘Adventure Quest’. Fantastic job today everyone.
  • 2022.06.08Today’s Class 6

      今日のClass 6は、仲良しの友達と一緒に色々な活動を行いました!最近クラスで1番人気の「あぶくたった煮え立った」のわらべうた遊びでは、お鍋になった友達を「むしゃむしゃむしゃ」と味見したり、晩御飯やお風呂に入るジェスチャーが面白くていつも大笑いのお子さま達。「もう1回やろう!」と夢中になって遊んでいました。『ぴかぶー』が準備してくれた「数プリント」は、今日から穴埋め表にレベルアップ!空欄に当てはまる数字は何かをよく考えながら真剣に取り組んでいましたよ。ハンドベルの曲は、『かえるのうた』をクリアしたので『メリーさんのひつじ』に挑戦中♪音名で歌うことも上手なClass 6のお子さま達は、すぐにこのメロディーが大好きになり、とっても楽しそうに演奏することができました。
  • 2022.06.07Today’s Class 5

    We had a great time today in Class 5! We started the day with swimming, every week the children get more skilled at swimming and really enjoy every lesson. After that we came back upstairs and finished part 2 of our Father’s Day craft activity – we are making Father’s Day belts. When we finished our craft activity we got ready for a big lunch of chicken nuggets to get our energy back and enjoyed playing together, solving puzzles, drawing and building with lego.
  • 2022.06.06

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. First we went to Kitakaze park to play outside. A lot of children had fun making their own beaver houses in the park. We returned back to Kindergarten and we received another letter from the Earth Ninja. After learning about recycling we received a new Earth Ninja challenge. Class 4 had a lot of fun making parachutes and dropping them from different heights into a target. We followed this up with some Japanese writing and a yummy lunch which all the children enjoyed. Class 4 really enjoyed their Monday and are looking forward to swimming tomorrow.
  • 2022.06.03Today’s Elephant Class

    Elephant Class had such a wonderful time and the zoo. We could walk all around and see many animals. Some were big and some were small and they were all very cute. The children were all very interested in watching the animals and did their best with our sticker rally. At the end they could all get a yummy treat too. Thank you everyone for coming today and have nice weekend. See you on Tuesday!
  • 2022.06.02Today’s Elephant Class

    Elephant Class had so much fun at Maruyama Zoo. We were happy that the weather was nice and everyone could come. The children could see many animals. We saw kangaroos, monkeys, lesser pandas, elephants, and more. They were really interested in the animals and looked very carefully. A family of monkeys even began talking when we were nearby. It was very cute! The children could repeat the animal names and everyone got stickers too. We walked all around the zoo and at the end the children got a yummy present. Great job everyone and we had so much fun. See you back at school on Monday!
  • 2022.06.01Today’s Bear Class

    Bear Class was so much fun today! The children did so well playing nicely and everyone is so friendly. Today’s activity was about colors. The children could practice saying “red”, “blue”, “yellow”, and “green”. They listened carefully and went to the same color house that the teacher said. Then, puppets came out and the children walked around the room like elephants, rabbits, and dinosaurs. It was so nice to hear many voices and see lots of smiles. Good job everyone! See you next week.