  • 2022.10.25Today’s Class 3

    Today, Class 3 went swimming. Everyone did a fantastic job doing “crab” all the way around the pool as well as “crocodile” and “frog.” Many friends were able to handle difficult things like going under the water without crying! After lunch, we practiced matching upper-case and lower-case letters for Phonics Time. The children had to look through the “ABC apples” on the floor and find a match! Everyone is getting so fast at this short phonics exercise now. The children even get excited whenever they see the “ABC apples” come out for Phonics Time. Before going home, some friends also colored their character necklaces for Hyogen Festival practice. It was a great day today in Class 3.
  • 2022.10.24October Birthday Party

    今日のBirthday partyでは、13人のお祝いをしました。誕生児のお子さま達は、たくさんのお友達を前でも名前や年齢を元気に発表したり、大好きなお友達からのプレゼントに大喜びの様子でした。また、誕生会の中でスペシャルゲストにピアニストの方をお招きし、幼稚園がピアノコンサート会場に変身!ショパンのエチュードという曲や、お子さま達が大好きなアニメの「SPY×FAMILY」「ONEPEACE」の曲を演奏をしていただき、聞きながら一緒に指を動かしてみたり、嬉しそうに歌をうたうお子さま達の姿が見られるなど、とても貴重で素敵な時間を過ごすことができました。来月にはHyougen FestivalでのMusic発表があるので、今日のピアノ演奏のように、大好きなご家族のみなさまにも感動をお届けできるように一生懸命頑張ろうという気持ちが強く芽生えた様子のお子さま達でした。
  • 2022.10.21Immersion Day Shopping Event

    Today was Immersion Day at IYK and the children of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 held a shopping event. Over the past few weeks, the children have all been working hard to create items for their shops, as well as signs to display what they were selling and wallets to keep their money in. The Junior classes made yummy pizzas and colourful telescopes, the Intermediates made delicious spaghetti and animal puppets, whilst the Senior friends made refreshing ice lollies and spinning tops. The older children did a great job taking care of their younger friends and everyone had the chance to practice being shopkeepers and customers. There was so much English being used today, “Welcome to the ___ shop, what do you want?” as everyone chose their products carefully, “May I have this one, please?” All of the children did a fantastic job, had lots of fun and are all looking forward to the next Immersion Day in December.
  • 2022.10.20避難訓練〜ミサイル〜

  • 2022.10.19Today’s Class 2

    We really had a blast in Class 2 today! After everyone arrived, we practiced the Skeleton Dance together, then settled down for the Morning Meeting. Class 2 Teacher’s Assistants really did a great job today. For our English Activity, we received a letter from the Tickle Monster. The Blue Ghost had taken his ears, so Class 2 had to find some bugs for him to give them back. It was lots of fun, and everyone cheered when the Tickle Monster got his ears back. Next, we practiced writing the number 5. And then it was time to practice for Hyogen Festival. Everyone could call out, “We are Cats!” “We are Ducks!” in a nice big voice. Soon it was time for lunch, and some playtime. After an emergency drill, we cleaned up and got ready for tomorrow’s Immersion Day. See you tomorrow, everyone!
  • 2022.10.18Today in Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we had swimming lesson. Everyone in Class 1 is getting much better at changing by themselves before the swimming lesson. Today we practiced running in the water, jumping into the pool, crawling round the edge and jumping from one bench to another. Class 1 are gaining so much confidence every lesson and everyone loves going swimming in the pool. After changing our clothes and going back to the classroom we did swirls in our line work books. Class 1 are getting better at following the lines and being more accurate with their pencils. We then ate a yummy lunch, wrote our names in English during Discovery Time and then it was time to go home. We look forward to seeing Class 1 tomorrow.
  • 2022.10.17Today’s Senior

  • 2022.10.14グループ活動発表会


  • 2022.10.13Today’s Class 6

    今日のClass 6は、北風公園で思いきり走り回ったり、お部屋で「数プリント」に取り組んだりと、様々な活動を行いました。Music lessonでは、今日からHyogen Festivalに向けての合奏のパート練習がスタート!それぞれの担当する楽器に分かれ、リズム打ちに挑戦しましたよ。Art Monthの活動で行った『Class 6 Spaceパネル』づくりでは、タイルをつくるための1つ目の工程として、いつもとは違う紙粘土をこねて平らに伸ばしました。「冷たい」「なんかいつもと違う感じ」と感触の違いに大興奮のお子さま達。手が真っ白になり「おばけ~!」と可愛いおばけでいっぱいになりましたよ。給食では、わかめご飯でおにぎりづくり!「ご飯おかわり!」と3個分のおにぎりを食べる子も現れたりと、大満足の1日でした。
  • 2022.10.12Today in Class 5

    Today was so much fun in Class 5! Everyone was very energized and happy as soon as the day started with playtime and exercise. After everyone had arrived, we got ready to head upstairs for our Music lesson, which Class 5 always enjoys. Class 5 is currently perfecting their hand bell routine – everyone is so talented. After our Music lesson was finished Mr. Jeff read the Golden Goose book, which is one of Class 5’s favourite books. Once book time was finished it was time to get ready for lunch, today was a lunchbox day and everyone was so excited to eat their delicious lunches. Today was a great day, we managed to do a lot of activities and have a lot of fun whilst doing so. See you tomorrow Class 5!