  • 2023.10.12Today’s Class 6

    Today was very exciting. We had an English Activity with Brother Skeleton. We learned about different places in the house, we played hide-and-seek to find Brother Skeleton’s family and we earned our second key for our chest! Later we had fun cutting paper, coloring it, and using tape to make our french fry crafts for Immersion Day. We were so hungry when it was time for lunch. Lunch was special today because it was World Lunch Day. We had a World Lunch Quiz and learned that there are eagles in the U.S. We listened to some jazz music from the U.S. and we ate cheeseburgers and potato wedges. It was so yummy. What a great day! See you tomorrow!
  • 2023.10.11Today’s Class 5

    Today was action-packed and full of fun! We started the day by going to the park and enjoying the nice weather. Class 5 really enjoyed playing with the younger Junior classes – they raced and chased and played tag. After our time was up in the park, we made our way back inside and got ready to finish our dragonfly drawings! For this craft, the children are combining drawing with crayons as well as using paint for their background – their craft skills are improving a lot! Class 5 had a lot of fun using multiple different colours for their dragonflies, as well as drawing and painting different Autumn objects and backgrounds. Well done today Class 5, let’s have a great day tomorrow!

  • 2023.10.11Today’s Bear Class

    Today in Bear Class we did an activity with family. We had a big hand with a different family member on each finger. For example, kids could show their “daddy” fingers and sing the song “Daddy finger where are you?”. Then we sang for each other finger too. Daddy, Mommy, and Baby fingers were all “sad” so we helped them. We gave daddy his necktie, mommy a flower, and sang the “ABC Song” for baby. Good job today everyone!
  • 2023.10.10Today’s Junior

  • 2023.10.06Today’s senior

  • 2023.10.05Today’s Elephant Class

    Elephant Class had fun doing a Halloween craft today. We did the “Skeleton Dance” and then made our own skeletons! The children did a great job asking for different body parts like “head”, “hand”, and “foot”. They could all stick them together to make their own skeletons and each one was different. We had so much fun seeing what the children made. We hope the parents can see them next week when they come. See you all then!
  • 2023.10.05Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with a Halloween game where the children needed to identify which Halloween monster took the candy. Next, we did some phonics where we did an action game using the “i” sound. All the children did a very good job at writing numbers and drawing sea animals they became interested in from our trip to the Otaru aquarium. After a yummy lunch we did some jump rope time as well as some puzzles. Class 4 are looking forward to finishing their drawings tomorrow.
  • 2023.10.04小樽水族館遠足

    今日は、全園児で小樽水族館へ行きました。秋晴れの中、バスに乗って出発!行きのバスの中では、それぞれのバスで、水族館にいる海の生き物クイズをしたり、English gameなどを楽しみ、あっという間に小樽へ着きましたよ。最初はイルカショー。今日は、”ロッキー””ノア””アポロ”のオス3頭がジャンプをしたり、回転したりと素敵なショーを繰り広げ、お子さま達は歓声をあげて喜んでいました。その後、クラスごとに館内を回り、たくさんの魚たちを鑑賞しました。大きなサメやエイが泳いでいる姿に感動したり、コツメカワウソがご飯を食べる姿にほっこりしたり、綺麗な色の魚にうっとりしたり、入れ物にぎゅうぎゅうに入っているうつぼに驚いたり・・・、たくさんの発見を楽しんだお子さま達です。過ごしやすい気温で、海も綺麗に見えて遠足日和でしたね。明日以降、各クラスで今日見てきた海の生き物をクレヨンや絵の具で描く予定です。どんな作品が出来上がるか楽しみです。
  • 2023.10.03Today’s Class 3

    We had lots of fun today in Class 3. The Teacher’s Assistants did a fabulous job. They could lead the class with a big voice and with lots of confidence. We also had “Switch Day” in the Junior classes. The English teachers from all three classes switched for about 45 minutes to teach a special Halloween Phonics Time and a Halloween craft. While Mr. Ethan was teaching Class 2, Miss Carmen came to teach class 3. Class 3 friends had lots of fun making Jack-o-lantern faces. After “Switch Day,” we finished making juice for Immersion Day. Today was a great day in class 3!
  • 2023.10.02Today’s senior SATOLAND/Intermediate

