  • 2022.10.05Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we added paint to our sweet potato picking drawings. We also had lots of fun learning about our country of the month, Mexico by completing a quiz and then decorating our own Luchador masks to become Mexican wrestlers! There was just enough time for a Japanese book before going home. Today was a short, but very fun day! Great job everyone.
  • 2022.10.04Today’s Intermediate

    今日の年中組は、eminaの方たちにお越しいただきScallops Seminarを行いました!初めに、紙芝居を通してホタテについて学んだお子さま達。ホタテには80~100個の目があることを知るととても驚く様子が見られました。他にもホタテは何年で大きくなるのかや、収穫方法などを知ることができましたよ。次に、クラス対抗絵合わせゲームを行いました。たくさん置かれたホタテカードの中から一枚選び、ひっくり返したキャラクターがeminaの先生と同じキャラクターであればポイントゲット!同じクラスの友達を応援したり、キャラクターが同じだった時には喜ぶ姿も見られ、楽しんでゲームに参加することができました。最後は、ホタテの炊き込みご飯を握るおにぎりづくりに挑戦!ホタテのスープと一緒にいただくと、「おいしいね」「ホタテ大好き!」「おかわり欲しい」などと夢中になって味わっていましたよ。お土産もいただき、大満足の年中組でした。
  • 2022.10.03Today’s Intermediate

  • 2022.09.30年長さとらんど

  • 2022.09.29Today’s Class 3

    In Class 3 today, our main activity was swimming. It was our first swimming lesson in a long time, but the children remembered how to do “crab” and “crocodile.” The swimming lessons have become more challenging in the second term, but the children are doing their best and learning a lot. It was also exciting to see some of the children choosing to read a book about creatures that live under the sea during Discovery Time. Yesterday’s trip to the Otaru Aquarium seems to have sparked an interest in marine biology! For story book time, Class 3 was introduced to the story for Hyogen Festival through puppets. Some of the children also enjoyed playing with the puppets and imitating the story during Discovery time.
  • 2022.09.28Otaru Aquarium

  • 2022.09.27September Birthday Party

    The September Birthday Party was held today and there were 15 energetic and happy children celebrating their birthday’s this month. All of the children could introduce themselves and say their ages with lots of confidence. After receiving their presents, we were treated to a musical performance by two Djembe players. After introducing us to the sounds the African drum makes, the birthday children were invited to the front to try and play! After the birthday party finished, the djembe’s were taken to each classroom for all of the IYK children to sample playing. There were many smiles and many children with great natural rhythm. Happy birthday September friends!
  • 2022.09.26Today’s Class 2

    Everyone had a great time in Class 2 today. After everyone arrived, we did exercise with Class 1, then had our Morning Meeting. We have begun Teacher’s Assistants, so everyone is excited to participate in Morning and Goodbye Meetings. We then did some number writing practice. Afterwards, we had Food and Life, where we learned about what different vegetables look like on the inside when cut open. We then used the vegetables as stamps to make colorful pictures. Soon, it was time for lunch. Everyone is doing very well putting away their own dishes after eating. The time went by very quickly, but everyone is already excited for tomorrow. What a great day! See you soon!
  • 2022.09.22Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant class we were happy to see everyone after a week away. The children enjoyed helping Old McDonald with his animals. They could listen to the teacher, find the correct farm animal like “cow”, “duck”, “chicken”, cross a bridge, and put them in the farm field. We had lots of fun dancing and enjoyed eating lunch boxes at lunch time. Have a wonderful weekend and see you next time!
  • 2022.09.21Today’s Bear Class

    Today in Bear Class the children had fun helping Old McDonald with his farm animals. We reviewed “cow”, “duck”, “chicken” and introduced “pig”. The children could each say “pig, please” and take them to the farm. But since we had so many animals, the farm was too crowded! Next, the children and their parents picked animals and put them in their own “fields”. The animals were happy and we ended by dancing along to “Old McDonald had a Farm”. It was great to hear the kids saying animal names like “cow” and their sounds like “moo”. Havea
    great week and see you next time, everyone!