  • 2024.01.31避難訓練~ミサイル~

  • 2024.01.30

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with a Mr.Mayor challenge. It was very pleasing to see all the children matching the correct items to their corresponding jobs. This was followed by Snowtopia where we went to the park and fed some candy to the monsters. It was very fun to play in the park with the whole Intermediate grade. Today was World Lunch. We have very delicious food from China and all of the children are very good at using Chinese Greetings. Tomorrow Class 4 is looking forward to more Snowtopia fun.
  • 2024.01.29January Birthday Party

    今日は、1月生まれのBirthday Partyでした。

  • 2024.01.26English Recital Contese

    Today was the English Recital Contest. Over the past month we received many entries from the children. Everyone did such a great job and it was pleasing to see children having fun with Nursery Rhymes. Today we presented certificates to the top three children in each grade. The winner was able to present their grades Nursery Rhyme very clearly to the other children. Overall, it was a tremendous occasion, and surely even more children will participate next year. Once again, congratulations to all the winners.
  • 2024.01.24Today’s Bear Class

    Today in Bear Class we had a great first lesson of the new year. We were so happy to see all the children and their parents. Since it’s so snowy we had a fun winter-themed activity. The children pretended to make snowmen with paper snowballs. They could even put faces on them. Everyone tried their best to say the new target phrase, “May I have a snowball, please?” It’s a little long but since the children are getting older and almost Juniors, it will be very useful for them. They can say it when they want a sticker, lunch, or toys. Great job today and see you next week! Please stay warm.
  • 2024.01.23Today’s Elephant Class

    Welcome back, Elephant Class friends! We are so happy to see all the children back in preschool and everyone greeted us with a big smile. We are happy to begin the third term. Since it’s so snowy outside, we did a winter-themed lesson about making snowmen. The children could match different shaped snowballs to make snowmen that were “circles”, “squares”, and “triangles”. Everyone did a good job! Next time let’s sing and dance to the English song “We’ll Make a Snowman”. Please stay warm and see you on Friday. Again, welcome back to the families and children. Let’s have a wonderful start to the new year.
  • 2024.01.22Today’s Class 1

    Today Class 1 had a busy and fun first Monday of the third term! We started off the day with a music lesson where we got to use handbells! Then after phonics and Morning Meeting we met our new friend Mr. Polar Bear and used English to go shopping for yummy food at his shop during English Activity! Then before we ate our yummy school lunch, we used curved lines to draw fish friends during line work! Soon enough it was time to read a book and say “See you” for the day!
  • 2024.01.19Today’s Class 9

    3学期が始まり、小学校にいくことへの期待が少しずつ高まっているClass 9。今日は、卒園式に歌う”Friends Forever”という歌の練習をしました。去年年長組だった友達が歌っている様子を見ていたこともあり、「これ知ってる!」と自信たっぷりに歌って聞かせてくれたClass 9でしたが、歌詞をみんなで確認すると、「なんだか寂しくなってきたな」「幼稚園終わるの嫌だな」などという言葉も聞こえてきました。そんな中でも、「小学生になる」ということが、幼稚園で色々なことを頑張る意欲にもなっているようで「小学校でお勉強頑張れるように、お話の聞き方もっと上手になろう!」など、前向きな気持ちも見られている最近です。また、朝の会では冬休みに作品を作ってもってきてくれたお子さまが、作品の発表をしました。どんな材料でどんな風に作ったのかをお子さまが発表すると、「その材料はどこに売ってるの?」「この部分はどうやって作ったの?」などと、たくさんの質問をしていたClass 9。冬休みに作った俳句の発表も、自分の順番が回ってくることをとても楽しみにしているようです。
  • 2024.01.183学期 Opening Ceremony

    始業式では、副園長先生から、どんな楽しいイベントがあるのか、また、どのようなことを頑張って欲しいのかなどのお話や、新しく赴任したMs .Marissaの紹介があり、これから始まる3学期に期待を膨らませていました。3学期は36日しか登園日がないあっという間の学期です。たくさん遊んで、お友達との思い出をつくっていきましょうね。教職員一同、次の学年や小学校に繋がるよう、お子さま一人ひとりに寄り添い、よりよいサポートに努めて参ります。3学期もどうぞ、よろしくお願いいたします。
  • 2024.01.17キッズワールド冬休み(チラシで遊ぼう)
