  • 2023.06.23Adventure Quest 2

    小樽市総合博物館に到着です。総合博物館には、蒸気機関車「しずか号」をはじめ、様々な鉄道が展示されていたり、2階には科学館もあります。蒸気機関車に実際に乗ったお子さま達は、倉庫から出てくる姿、蒸気を出しながら回転する姿に大興奮。駅にはIron 車掌さんがいて、チケットを切ってくれました。「連結部分はこうなっているんだね!」「蒸気が上からも下からも出ているよ」など新しい発見をしたり、鉄道や科学の不思議に詳しくなったお子さま達でした。
  • 2023.06.23Adventure Quest 1

  • 2023.06.22Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant Class the children did great today. So many children remembered face vocabulary like “eyes”, “mouth”, and “nose”. They helped many cute animal friends wash their faces. We sang “This is the way we wash” too. Everyone did such a wonderful job waiting their turn and trying very hard. We were so impressed! Lunch was yummy and children who finished quickly had lots of play time before going home. See you next week!
  • 2023.06.21Today’s Bear Class

    The Bear Class children had so much fun dancing and playing today. We read a story about a boy washing his face and sang “This is the Way” for our facial features. The kids enjoyed the simple story. Children and parents did an activity to practice face parts too. After that we danced to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” We look forward to their help next week. See you all then!
  • 2023.06.20Today’s Elephant Class

    The Elephant Class children had so much fun today doing our English activity and eating school. We read a story about a boy who had to wash his face. We sang “This is the Way” for our face, eyes, nose, and mouth. The children enjoyed the simple story. We danced to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” too. Children tried hard to eat school lunch and many finished everything on their plate. After that we had play time and said “goodbye”. See you next week, everyone!
  • 2023.06.19Today’s Intermediate


  • 2023.06.16Junior Open Class

    Today Class 1 went to Gabby the Ghost’s party! We warmed up by doing phonics. Class 1 was able to say, “J-J j-j-j” in a big voice and then remembered all four of the words that started with J! Then we got a letter from Gabby telling us to come to her party! We jumped, hopped, swam and stomped over many obstacles and finally made it to Gabby’s house on the top of the mountain. When we got there Gabby asked us to feed her friends many yummy fruits! Class 1 found hidden fruits, stood in the English rings and said “I got a ____!” in big voices before feeding them to Gabby’s friends. Then we said the magic words “Fruit Magic Go!” and Gabby’s friends changed color! Finally, we did the dance “Do the Monkey” and said “See you!” to Gabby! Good job Class 1 and thank you parents for coming to watch!

    Class 2 had lots of fun today. It was our Open Lesson, and everyone was excited to see their Mommies and Daddies come to IYK. Today was the day of the Chameleon Party, and Candice Chameleon brought some friends with her, but they were all very hungry for fruit candy. Luckily, Class 2 had some candies they had made, and we could give them to the chameleons. After choosing a candy, the children could tell the class, “I got a ____ candy!” As the chameleons ate more candy, they changed colors! Finally, it was time for the party and we all danced together. Thank you to all of the parents for coming today to see their children. We really appreciate all of your support every day. Great job, Class 2!

    Class 3 friends were so happy to see their Mommies or Daddies come to IYK and watch their Open Class today. Everyone used a big voice and participated with lots of energy because their Mommies or Daddies were watching! In today’s English Activity, a letter came from Mommy Monkey asking for help decorating the birthday cake with fruit. Everyone was challenged to cross the river to the fruit shop and buy some yummy fruit for the Five Little Monkeys’ birthday cake! Everyone did a great job speaking the English phrases and shopping for fruit. The Five Little Monkeys were so happy to eat yummy cake with fruit for their birthday! At the end, everyone had a blast dancing to “Do the Monkey!”

  • 2023.06.15Intermediate Open Class

    Class 4: Today was the final Buzzy Bee New Zealand challenge for Class 4. After warming-up with some nursery rhymes and songs the children tried to complete the mission. We went to New Zealand and tried bungee jumping, walking over Taniwhas and the sky tower. The children also listened to the unique sounds of New Zealand animals to get the answer to the quiz and get a golden ball to put into the New Zealand box. However, there was one ball missing at the end! This was taken by the ABC Alligator. Everyone did a good job at thinking of words that starts with different letters. Class 4 got the final golden ball and were so happy to dance to do the kiwi! Well done Class 4 and thank you to all the parents and family members that watched today!

    Class 5: Today we had our last challenge from Jungle Jim! We first sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star with a beautiful and strong English voice and then moved on to our main activity. We helped Jungle Jim’s hungry animal friends gather and eat food from the jungle. However, the jungle was home to some dangerous things – so Class 5 had to transform into jungle animals first. This was so much fun and also gave Class 5 children an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of jungles and jungle animals, as well as demonstrate their English abilities. Once we helped the hungry animal friends, the children participated in Mr. Jeff’s Phonics Challenge. Class 5 showcased how many words they know for different letters of the alphabet and helped to count all of the words they had thought of at the end. After the children had completed the challenge, they were awarded with a crown for their animal headband and we all danced to the ‘Do The Animal’ song. Today was so much fun, thank you Class 5 for trying your best and thank you to the parents for attending and watching today’s Open Class!

    Class 6: Today Food Master needed our help to feed his animal friends. We started with a nursery rhyme and then the children took turns asking and answering questions about what they could do during English Conversation Time. Friends in Class 6 were able to choose the correct starting letter for the Animal Phonics. Next, Food Master came to visit and brought lots of fruits, vegetables, meat, and animal friends. We could match the food correctly, but then we played musical chairs and we got random cards! It was challenging, but Class 6 friends matched the food with the animals and it was so fun! After we showed Food Master and the animal friends our “Do The Animal” song and dance. We ended the class with the “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” song. Everyone was smiling and happy. You did it Class 6! Thank you parents for coming to see us today!

  • 2023.06.14Today in Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we first took care of our potatoes in the school garden, checking for weeds and giving them water. We then had a numbers lesson about time and how to read both digital and analogue clocks. After finishing our worksheets we then finished the day with English writing time, writing out the target question and answer for this week’s English Conversation Time phrases. Fantastic job everyone and lets have fun during tomorrow’s swimming lesson!
  • 2023.06.13Senior Open Class

    Today, Class 7 had their first Open Class of the year, with everyone doing a tremendous job in front of their parents. We first boarded a flight to Spain where we then completed another ‘Phonics Hero’ challenge. We then quickly reviewed some more countries in Europe, before pretending to be immigration officers, checking and stamping our friend’s passports, then putting their faces into the correct transportation and sticking the vehicle onto the European map. We are so proud of everyones hard work both today and during our build-up lessons. Thank you to all of the parents that could come to watch today and we are looking forward to learning lots more English and having much more fun throughout the rest of the year.

    Today Class 8 had a great Open Class! We started today’s lesson with a phonics puzzle. Some letters were a little difficult to find but everyone tried hard and we could solve the puzzle. We then discovered a letter from World Lunch-kun inviting us to a world lunch food party! After reviewing some continents and transportation vehicles, we sang a song to get more power for the activity! Then we started the main activity. Everyone tried to say the target questions and answering well. Today the children could travel to North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania using trains, airplanes, submarines, helicopters and ferries. All the children could find the correct continents and get some yummy food. We then ate the food that we collected and brought it back to the classroom after. All the children did well today and tried their best, especially that it is stressful to speak in front of so many people. We want to say a special thank you to all the parents that came to support us today. Well done Class 8! See you all tomorrow!

    Class 9のOpen Classでは、辞書マスターになるためのチャレンジを行いました。Mr. Dictionaryからお部屋に届いた挑戦で、5つのうち4つの辞書パワーを集めていたお子さま達は、「今日はどんなチャレンジが届くのかな?」とチャレンジを楽しみにしつつ「ママが来るから頑張らなきゃ!」と朝から意気込んでいました。みんなで暗号を解いたり、チャレンジの指令が入った箱の鍵を開けたりする時には、「これはひらがなの五十音だ!」「あ行の鍵穴には”いぬ”の鍵をつけたらいいんだよ!」などと、気付いたことをたくさん発言してくれ、チャレンジがどんどん楽しくなりましたね!「じしょようちえん」の迷子になった言葉達を辞書から探し出し、探した言葉の発表も元気にできました!チャレンジクリアしたClass 9は、今日から辞書マスター!マスターとしてこれからも色々な辞書引き活動に挑戦していきましょうね!